Now before I go off, I'd like to say that I do like PC and I know of the pros and cons of both parties, so i'm not shitting on PC here.
90% of my games just frankly, play, like, shit and make consoles look good.
If they aren't crashing then they're glitching or not properly windowed or not even loading and they're super unrelaxing.
I love the graphics and the frame rate, but that's all that PC seems to have for me due to all the games I play on it playing like fucking shit. but i can't go to console because it's too ugly, it works, unlike PC, but it's super ugly.
I know this is an extreme 1st world problem, but i'm not gonna chuck 3 fucking thousand dollars at a PC for it to barely work.
Like how do you do it? Or am I just having an extremely unfortunate experience?
GTA IV shows a black, but plays music or it glitches out with GFWL or it doesn't load the social club thing and more.
Modern Warfare 2 didn't start at until I did some random thing and it's in two parts, multiplayer and singleplayer.
Doom loads on random screens on random resolutions.
Assetta corsa says it has full controller support but the controller doesn't work.
Dead Island 1 is fucked, it's just fucking fucked man!
Sleeping dogs crashes sometimes on benchmarks.
I want to love PC gaming but all it's given me is pure fucking hatred and the filthy dirty thought of going back to consoles.
Is it that hard to play bf3 on the M/K at the desktop and do some serious gaming and then chill out on the TV with a controller, the answer is yes, and it's unbelievable! They port these games from console SO SHITILY that they can't even support controller on PC.. I mean GOD DAYYUUMM!!!!
Please, If i pay you the price of a 780ti and 4790k and samsung 850 Pro and z97 mobo, god damn perform like it! Instead of taking my money!
So sorry for the rant/extreme question (yes it was actually a question haha).
How the hell do you deal with PC gaming? What are your pro tips for the best experiences?
I will be in your dept if you can turn these angries in happies.