How much local storage would you like to have?

I am just curious. How much storage do you guys want in your local network? Obviously, essentially infinite would be nice, but what do you think would be the amount that you would actually need/use? I think a few hundred terrabytes would be good for me, though I know tons of people who hardly make use of 500gb. Personally, if at all possible, I like to have an offline copy of things for security's sake (and because internet outages are a thing), so if I had the extra space, I am sure that I would make use of it somehow.

I currently use fair amount at 30-40TB but I would actually go backwards and say I only want about 1TB. Why? I want to move everything up to cloud storage so that I don't have to manage things like a file server, ZFS and backups.

Many things I have I don't mind if seen by other people, and I can always encrypt the private data, which I already do. I'd also go with two or more storage providers for redundancy.

This isn't realistic until I get gigabit up and down speeds to the internet though.


I have a similar preference, ideally I only want about 1TB of local storage for my current projects (plus a high speed drive for OS) then keep everything else on a secure NAS that I can access anywhere.

I'd like to have 500TB of storage locally. I'm fairly sure I'd use ~80% of that at all times.

In my local network?? All of it.

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The issue you will ALWAYS have with cloud storage, is that you are building your home on someone else's property. It only takes one FBI raid to shut down all those services.


Just as it takes one FBI raid to shut down any service, any domain.

This is why you use a trusted service such as Google Drive.

If Google were to go out tomorrow due to an FBI raid not only would that screw millions of people over, but what do you think the people themselves would do once they caught wind? Surely not anything involving civil disobedience.

Trusted service such as Google drive? I'm normally one to defend google from random unjustified hate, but I wouldn't trust my data with Google, not even if it's encrypted.

I happen to know that with most of the cloud storage companies (all of the companies I've had to interact with) there are a handful of people with Global decryption keys. They have the ability to access ALL the data in their system, and most of them keep 3 copies of your data. If you delete something, it takes up to two weeks to delete off the live systems, and up to 6 months to purge out of their archives. Your data, isn't your data anymore.



Unfortunately if we want to see innovation we have to sacrifice privacy. Imagine how awesome it would be to have a device with an i7 in the palm of your hand that boots instantaneously due to the speed of so,etching such as fiber. Or having an oh shit moment and having a duplicate of your data. Kinda like @Logan cutting and trying to paste his content and it being moved to an unknown directory.

What I'm suggesting is a device solely with a bios and being able to boot an OS over wifi that would already be running on a server.

For convenience the trade off is privacy.

Not True! And we shouldn't even think that way. Protonmail, duckduckgo and MEGA are getting better and better without invading our private lives.

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I only need 2TB i tend to delete things as they age. I already have a 250 gb ssd and a 2tb hard drive, just wish i had 2 tb in ssds instead.

But for sole optimization of software we must sacrifice it.

What do you have to hide? I used to argue the opposite end of the spectrum, but in all seriousness? We tried as a community to demolish the patriot act, we tried to make the NSA look bad (they are in the current state, but why not improve them rather than remove them as a whole?), and the Tek is severely liberal (which has proven ineffective multiple times in history, although you should always question authority).

It seems as if the Tek is fairly left winged which I appreciate, but with humanity in its current shape a left winged society is but a dream of a utopia such as the one in Star Trek that I share with you all.

A lot of things defy the course of logic, but that imbalance is what allows for innovation.

What about quantum computing? That relies on duplications of identical photons. Whose to say someone couldn't intersect said duplicate? You can't really encrypt quantum data if there is an identical quantum computer with identical abilities now can you?

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I have 3x3TB 7200rpm drives on my machine with a 512gb ssd as the main drive (only games that I know will have texture streaming issues will be installed on here).

I think I am set for the next three years, dont do much downloading so its either game installs or work.

I don't have any backups so I will probably need to do something about that at some point :D

I would recommend a 500gb SSD or 2 in a raid and a 4tb storage drive in Raid as well if available. I do incremental back-ups with an external ssd and burn blue-rays for permanent archiving. If I were bound by security or insurance protocols I'd have the perm archive in a safe deposit box. If I were a nefarious individual that box would probably be in Zurich or Caymen Islands. First few minutes of a Bond film can outline that scenario.

I have no need for all that nonsense my PC is primarily for gaming anything important consists of 50kb word documents.

I didn't mean to reply off of you directly, what you have is fine. Although if you were a Youtuber 4tb is good for HD 60fps footage. I would never use a cloud service. The best security is being a completely isolated system. I don't think anyone can hack my external SSD while it sits in a fire safe. Not only that it seems that individual rights are protected more so than the malleable terms of service under which your faith is placed.

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Hardly anyone here is going to agree with you on that. Regardless of anything, I expect to have privacy, and I should be entitled to it. But whatever. I highly doubt that any arguing on here is going to change anyone's mind on the subject. Besides that, we have all likely heard everything that anyone has to say about it.

That's great! :) Your are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. That is why we must remain open, especially in politics, but don't forget to think for yourself.

I just find it weird Tek Syndicate was against Anti-Terrorism.

I was just looking at this 3 dimensionally. At heart, I am a left winged libertarian, but we are pawns of society,many that is how it will be until we step up; not as a military, not as an enemy, but a society trying to make peace.

The thing we forget is no society is savage, nor civilized; there are only different cultures which unfortunately we fail to embrace.

We need to work as a whole. Nothing good can happen when politics is a prime suspect of fragmentation.

I'm always up for good conversation, but OP was local storage :D We've come a bit far.

Same. Yeah. Sorry about that. I may create a thread regarding this tomorrow. I'm still learning just as everyone else so I don't have a concrete opinion or never plan to have one.

Fragmentation will always exist as long as there are multiple perspectives. At the moment I can argue birth and understand both sides of the coin.