I noticed on YouTube there are people playing Star Citizen with alpha modules. Is there any way I can play it now with all of the modules and future modules? I appreciate any help I can get.
I believe you would have to purchase game module passes as they become available. I bought an Avenger game package a while back but then it included all the modules. Maybe try the Star Citizen trade subreddit if you can't find something in their pledge store.
If you pledge an amount that gives you access to alpha you get all the modules and you can play.
Thanks everyone
I hate to go off topic a little, but I found this:
I guess my last questions are is does this provide all modules, and when is beta coming?
Sweet. I can't wait for persistent universe, or for Squadron 42. The game looks like the best game ever even in its current state. It's just ridiculous how capable the developers are. I still can't believe how everything to the exact thruster is rendered. How stunning would it be if I could use an Avenger per say, to destroy the bridge of a ship, then have my enimies trapped in say the cargo bay of which I could then so show board, take out their crew, then make way with their cargo to my ship of which then, I could sell?
Never mind. I don't think an Avenger could make way with the cargo of a ship. Maybe an Aurora could, but not a fighter.
Yes I have the same package and I played the arena commander since alpha. If you buy it you can immediately play the arena commander and racing modules.
Star citizen will either be the best game ever (literally) or a massive disappointment. I doubt it will be somewhere in the middle.
I do really hope everything works out though since it looks like it should be a ton of fun.
Local Star Citizen Junkie here. to play the game "Right Now" you need two things.
- A game "package" (this includes a ship) found here
- An Arena commander Module pass.
A "Package" will give you 1.) a ship (buy based on that) and a few other things like 2.) insurance (applies to the PU and costs in game money, 3.) UEC credits (applied on launch), 4.) a Hangar to keep your ship, AND the two big ones,... 5.) "Squadron 42 Digital Download" & 6.) "Star Citizen Digital Download" some other packages may have more like Beta access.
- Squadron 42 Digital Download - This is the Single player campaign of the game (its playthrough is optional but it has perks) It's rumored to be 50 episodes long, each episode being an hour long. In short you get a 50hours singleplayer campaign
- Star Citizen Digital Download - This is the full MMO portion of the game.
You will be able to play both when they're ready. Speaking of being ready the only thing that is ready right now is "Arena commander." This is it's alpha stage, meaning you will need a package with alpha access (not sold anymore) or a $5 arena commander pass. there is only one package that has the pass bundled and it looks like you already found it. There's nothing special about the bundle except convenience. buying them separately has no effect.
Other than that enjoy what we have of the game right now!
Warning: This game requires a beastily computer to run right now. This is due to the game being unoptimized and extremely detailed (polygons are off the chart) Recommended GTX-770/r9-280X for 1080p high
also, it is alpha and there are a lot of bugs right now. For instance, Don't join multiplayer, missiles are OP and one hit kills, they're also impossible to dodge.
They recently managed to get their sli profiles working, so we've got that goin for us.
What about CFX? I'm trying to build a computer ATM. Do you think I'd be better off with an i7 2600k or an FX 8350, both overclocked to 5ghz? Man, we need an official SC forum entry. I can't hold out for Skylake as I was hoping to play GTA V as soon as it launches for PC.
Cool. I think I may buy an Avenger and Arena Commander separately as I plan to play as a bounty hunter.
I think it's leaning towards being a great game. If not, people who backed this game are going to be pissed and sue the crap out them. I love the MMO aspect of it, and the fact, a simple missle fired at the bridge could change the tide of battle. It looks amazing.
What would we sue them for? I pledged right when the campaign started, I'm a golden ticket holder and a huge fan of Chris Roberts past work. However having played the game modes so far I have to say, for me and my tastes, it's shit.
Am I pissed that I don't enjoy the game, yet spent a huge amount of money on it? Sure. But what on earth would I sue them for?
Avenger is arguable one of the best ships for the money. It's hull allows for a variety of roles and will allow you to be fairly efficient at them.
Keep in mind that Lore is more important than numbers when It comes to stats. THe ship was supposed to have a S5 gun & engine but that would look ridiculous so they knocked em down to S3 & S4 I believe. That doesn't mean theu gimped it, it just means that it will better fit it role as a re purposed police cruiser, It's fast, fairly nimble, can take a decent hit (better than most but nothing compared to military) and it can nulify target if it needs to. Not to mention its cargo space that you could use for anything.
If you can't tell I own an avenger it will also use it for bounty hunting/escorting
LOL. An S5 engine wouldn't look too bad. I like the more of the ship. I considered a Cutlass, but I'm not spending more than $100 on a game that hasn't been released...
Your 2600k is fine for now. You should wait!