How big can a phone get before it get ungainly?

samsungs new giant phone is it too big?




I did not know dom jolly had a time machine, that is is the gallexy s5!

I think even the smaller of the two Giga is too big. The Note 2 was too big for a one-handed use, 5.8 on the smaller Giga is overkill enough. 6.3 on the biggest one is insane. Though there are people who use the Note 8.0 as a phone, so I guess these Giga phones might appeal to them.

The Note is about as big as a phone should be.It fucking pisses me off that the non-contract price is $700. I know damn good and well that those c**** are making a huge profit on it and I will not go into a bullshit contract.

I am a big mofo so the Note actually worked well for me when I got to play with it, but this Giga shit is way too big. It also pisses me the fuck off how they are putting a dual-core into it and not a quad. They will release the Giga 2 in 6 months with a quad and market it as a total upgrade. Samsung is going to turn into the next fucking Apple.

I think the Note II was a good size mabye 5.8 inches is the limit but over 6 inches and I think its a little over the top. As for the dual core stuff I don't mind that too much cos' its a mid range giant phone, not a high end giant phone like the Note is.

I have personaly carried an 8 inch tablet around in my pocket before. Before I had my galaxy S3 that is. To be honest, 6 inches is about that max. I might consider it but I like to keep my phone mainstream as I like to install custom roms. It just depends on what people want. People said the Galaxy S3 was too big. Now its one of the most popular if not the most popular phone available today. Samsung is testing the market. I would buy a 6.3 inch phone but thats because I have poor eye sight and yet use technology all the time.

As a phone that might be too big. I've got an S3 and I've fiddled with a Note 2, the Note 2 is definitely the maximum size I'd be comfortable with.

Ive been using the s2 for about 8 months now. And I still cant get used to it, about an inch too big imo but in contrast when I try to use the damn thing my fingers push 2 buttons at once and it's just to damn small. Such a pain in the thumb lol. It would be nice to have the money to have a phone like the galaxy mega just to leave in your vehicle or replace the house phone and have another small phone almost exclusively for calls maybe gps or minor internet like the good ol' days.

Until they make a 30" 2560x1600p screen on the Galaxy Note 10, they aren't too big.

It all depends. Is it big enough for me to eat food on? I would definitely pay for a smartphone that big if it could also be a makeshift $700 dinner plate.

6.3 sounds about right. And that's only if you've got the pockets for it.

Honestly, any size can do the job. a 8 inch dualsim tablet does the job perfectly, although it needs a headset to do so.

Pretty much size is dictated by the ratio of pocket space and need of convenience to desire for screen real-estate & multimedia. 

I'd say that over 10in is a good place to stop.



This is going to be fixed by glass though. 1 inch or smaller fullhd amoled screens are going to be in the cards a year or 2 from now.

Whenever someone says that about Glass I'm reminded of a friend of mine saying, "Think of all the things you could do when that Bluetooth phone thing is released!!".

Only time will tell. 

If i need to use a device as a phone in the traditional way by holding it up to my ear with one hand, the note 2 is allready slightly to big. In every other aspect of how i use my smartphone i have to say as long as it fits into my pocket i wont mind as big a screen as possible. 

Going from 4.3" to 5.5" (Note II) in the begining I thought that is too big.. but after week or so I was so used to it that my old phone (HTC Desire HD) seemed so small.. 

I think 6" would be limit, at least for now.. 

to be honest when stuff like this becomes the standard

then size wont matter at all. samsungs next gen tech is definately going to be a game changer

Those flexible screens have been around for a while.  I'd be surprised to see them take off, they'll probably fall by the wayside as another gimmick because it's still a big piece of physical hardware that you have to carry.  Stuff like Google glass or in-eye augmentation is the future, albeit it pretty far away.  The only way to make hardware small, but have a screen still readable, and private, is to keep it up against your eye.

I'm getting really sick of carrying stuff around though.  I've got a Zune HD and that's an OK size but my phone, which is 3.7" is already a pain in the ass.  It's too big.  My cousin got a new Note, and that thing is massive.  I guess it works in a business environment but it's tough to shove in your shorts pocket and go for a bike ride or something.  

6" is just way too big for a phone.  At that point I think people will just say "do we need a phone this big?"  I mean, it's good entertainment but are you ever really in a place where you need entertainment of that quality but would only have access to your phone?  Short of sitting on the john, I can't think of a scenario when I'd ever appreciate a screen that big on a phone.  I guess maybe if you commute on a bus or train to work? 

Personally, I want one of these smart watches:

Personally, I wouldn't mind something just slightly larger than my Note II with a 16:10 aspect ratio. So maybe ~5.75", but I really love my Note II. It's a pretty good size, but I did have to get used to it for a 2 days (thought it was too tall/narrow) and I have to pretty much forsake one handed texting, but I never did much of that in the first place. I always text with two hands. Also, I don't ever wear tight pants. Usually cargo shorts, so pocket space is never a problem for me, even with denim shorts. I think 6" is too much though, at least for a phone.