Homemade itx case idea

So I'm going to start building a case myself sometime next month. I have pretty much accounted for everything although I'm a bit confused to how I should make the support for PCIe cards at the back. Would a dremel and a bit of bending be enough? I'm going to work with aluminium. I will post a build log once I get started.

The base is going to be made out of wood and the sides are going to be aluminium. The back and the sides are going to be seperate while the top and front are going to be a single piece that will be bent to a 90 degree twist so it covers the top and front.

I haven't really decided how thick the aluminium sheets are going to be so if you have any suggestions let me know.

So Ideally the backplate should be around 22cm long and around 15-16cm high. I made a basic drawing for guidance.

Everything about this build is small except the GPU. I'm planning on getting a R9 290 Tri-X.

I will sleeve the cables and cut the to length because if i didnt the entire case would be a rat's nest of cables.

To make more room the power supply is standing up.

The 8 Pin and 24 Pin are at the top and the PCIe and sata is at the bottom.

The layout internally will be somwhere along the lines of this (Sorry for the sketchy drawing)

On the picture it's 37cm long which will be decreased to 33-34ish. It's also going to be about 20cm high. I still don't know where to mount my SSDs though. The square at the top right corner is the PSU. It measures in at 6.5x(width) 10x(long) 12.5(high) in cm of course.

The motherboard i'm going to use is the Asus Z87I-Pro mostly because of layout.
I will be using the same cooler as in the picture
What do you think?

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To mount the pci cards you could use a piece of aluminium angle and pop-rivet it to the inside of the case (if you have access to a drill and riveting tool).

The dremel isn't the ideal tool for cutting this amount of material but a reinforced disk will be your best bet. For the thickness, I think between 1.5 and 3mm would be good.

3mm is probably too much but your right it would be hammer proof. Perhaps the OP should aim for 1.5mm or there about.

Wouldn't pop-riveting it create a gap inside fo the case? Just cuious.

I will be looking at the 2mm range then. I will be traveling with it quite a lot so it would be best if it wouldn't brake easily.

A rivet will not leave any gap between what it is joining.

I meant the right angle aluminium piece. It would leave a gap but would it be noticeable?

I am not really sure what you mean. I thought you could have a piece of aluminium angle on the PCI cards to, or you could bend a section of the rear panel towards the inside of the case.