Homelab network setup

Hello dear reader

I was wondering about how to setup my homelabs networking. I have been trying to concentreate my lab into ubiquiti as my primary vendor.

In short I have these devices:

  • US-48-500W(48GBe+2 SFP+2 SFP+)
  • USW-mini-flex (5GBe, powered with both an USB-C powerbrick and POE+)
  • AC-pro-wap (Wifi5,POE+ by the US-48-500W)
  • UGS (3P) as the router

The US-48-500W is my main aggregtion switch for my lab, running connections to my 2 different lab servers. I am using the AC pro as a easy to access WLAN-network WAP.

I have setup multiple different VLAN-networks in my current setup, but I have not really gotten it to work properly. The main issue for me has been the USG not co-operating or doing strange stuff.

Note that some of the lab deployment should be mostly seperated from my home network running on a Teltonika RUTX50.

Ubiquiti VLAN setup

  1. Default VLAN (I think this is also the ubiquiti management VLAN)

  2. HomeLAN-vlan, running the home lan side,
    In short if I want to connect a device to the home network running on the teltonika, I would use this VLAN.

  3. Labnet VLAN
    A seperate LAN for the homelab devices that do not need access to homeLAN

Some connection info
The main switch is connected to the homeLAN and internet via the USW-flex-mini and that has some devices connected that are supposed to be on HomelAN. Thus apart from the trunk port to US-48-500W are connected to VLAN2 as their native VLAN. The Trunk port towards US-48-500W is in VLAN1

I have setted up all of these 3 VLAN’s on my ubiquiti network, with the USG getting fed from VLAN2 as the internet connection. I have done this with assigning a native VLAN2 on that port. The LAN side of the USG is connected to VLAN 1 as the native vlan.

I am wondering if there is something I am doing wrong here or is it probably caused by the USG? So if I replaced with something like Unifi Cloud gateway ultra. Yeah, it is not cheap at around 113e (tax inc. ship. excl.) from the ubuiqiti directly, more akin 150e if bought locally. I was only watching unifi express, but that seems kinda limiting if I cannot really manage more than 4 other devices. And the price difference is around 3e

Thanks for taking the time to read. I guess if you have some ideas or thoughts or suggestions, feel free to comment down below

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all Unifi routers handle VLANS the same way.

your USG has your internet connection plugged in to WLAN correct?
you should never change the VLAN on WLAN port.

once you have your VLANS configured you handle traffic by creating an inter-VLAN routing rule to deny routing across VLANS, and or to deny internet traffic to a VLAN.

the VLAN routing stuff is handled in the routing section but exactly where and how tends to move around based on the version of Unifi OS your are on so consult google or youtube for that info.

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I just resetted all the devices and placed the USG between the homelan and the US-48-500W.

I keep getting this error
This happens even after a full reset

did you statically asign those IP addresses? you can not have multiple devices with the same IP.

and if you did a full reset you need to get the ranges aligned as you have no VLANS currently.

Ubiquiti devices default to when they fail to receive a DHCP address.

Take that USG out behind the shed and shoot it. They run hot and I’ve had quite a few of them die over the years. They also max out at 85Mbps throughput with DPI, IPS/IDS, or Smart Queues enabled.

sure, but how would you get to where you have them showing up in the portal like that?

i still use a couple of them at some locations that don’t get much bandwidth anyway. they do what they do fine.

@FinOxy what is assigning IP addresses on you network?

In the current deployment, that would be the USG.

I get the point, but luckily since this is between 2 mostly secure networks, it should be fine. And wgat I am more scared of is that the labnet would have direct access to my general home lan :slightly_smiling_face:

And the screenshots in this post were taken from behind the USG. Might just be the case that the USG is just dying.

I mihgt have to actually for the first time whip out the RS32-USB cable and try to remember where I put my cisco console cable :joy:

But considering

Based on this, I might have to result in that there is a major problem in the USG. It should be working but it is not. I can say that I did get this as a e-waste save but looks like it was beyond redemption :smiling_face_with_tear: Considering it also came with a bad PSU.

I think I also mentioned it on this thread as well

Thanks @Zedicus and @GTwannabe for taking the time!

the boot drive in those tends to die when they are old but it can be replaced and reloaded with the OS fairly easily.

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Looks like it. Still seems like a pretty strange desing decision to me. Well, I am going to figure out if I can find a USB-drive that I can spare and check the guide I found. Thanks for letting me know, I did not read that article too much because I got my PSU issue solved

And just a headsup, if you are running OEM PSU’s, from what I heard from my contacts have around 100% failure rate. But I am pretty sure you are aware of it.

Thank you very much @Zedicus!

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