Home network disabled when internet is cut

Every now and then I don't have the money to pay my internet bill on time and when the isp cuts me off my home network goes down ... I can't stream media or access one machine from another. Does anyone know what's going on?


Strange, the local network should work regardless of having an internet connection, what router are you using?

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yeah, do you use the shitty modem/router combo that they gave you?

A proper network would still run just fine. When I moved into my apartment I didn't have internet for 2 weeks, but I ran my internal network just fine. Steaming stuff from my file server, etc.

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Still use the modem they gave me but using my own routers. I'm no expert but I was able to extend my network with an additional router - I've got one slaved to the other and turned into a repeater - both are d-links dir-500. I don't remember everything I did to set up the second router but I remember the instructions I'd been following weren't doing it for it me and I had to assign a static ip for the second router and not leave it up to dhcp so maybe that's got something to do with it? Network works fine when I have internet, no problem at all, that's what's confusing me. I can't figure how the isp cutting the net access is resulting in no home network. Even if i plug out the modem, disconnect it from the master router, the network won't 'work'.

Can't think of a reason why it wouldn't be working apart from maybe that model of router has some weird quirk that is causing this. I've had strange issues with D-Link routers in the past, the last one I used wouldn't let clients on the local network access services on the same network if I used the public ip address as it couldn't resolve the connection.

Some questions:

  • Do you have any other router you could test?
  • Is this with WiFi or Ethernet or both? Maybe try a strictly Ethernet connection and see if that works
  • Have you tried statically setting the IPs on per client basis (as in set the IP manually on each client machine)
  • Are all the clients on the master router or mixture of both. Maybe try connecting to clients on the same router.
  • Disconnect the second router and see if it works without it.
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The modem might not have it's own DNS server.

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