Home Automation Megathread

I was looking around the forum and the last topic about home automation stuff that was active was

I feel like that isn’t really the place to be just generally talking about HA and would like to start a megathread similar to the Sysadmin, RISCV, or other ongoing topical threads we have going on the forum.

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I will start with what I have stood up in the last few days. I am currently running Home Assistant Docker on my server. So far I am running 10 of these WiZ WRGB WiFi light bulbs along with three Tuya wifi outlets and 2 Tuya WRGB bulbs. I have been trying to get the Tuya WRGB bulbs to work with Local Tuya and I have them connected but am still messign with settings to get the RGB to function properly. The WiZ bulbs were great and other than having to use their app for the initial install work perfectly offline.

At @mutation666 suggestion I recently ordered one of thesePOE zigbee bridges and a few different zigbee devices.

Near term goals are to get the lights to power on and off automatically with presence detection and be able to adjust dimming and color with something like this switch

At some point I would like to replace my thermostat and have it tied into my door sensors so that I can deactivate my A/C if one of the doors is open for more than a minute or two.

Speaking of door sensors, has anyone tried these sensors? They are quite cheap.

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Aqara Door and Window Sensor is what I went with.

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Working on getting official section I will move this to when it happens.

Still working on my air quality sensor

Have all the parts just need the time

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I like this idea – actually I think we could use a full re-org of the home automation stuff…

maybe could use a how to get started pinned topic in a new category, just home stuff in general.

from ltx it was kinda inspiring but also “how to homelab but without making everyone hate you because you’re constantly breaking the wireless and network”

and then lead in to the old home automation stuff.


a lot of this will just be taking these already-awesome posts and organizing them a bit more for posterity?

I fully support that, and linking to other creators/resources/info. I think where we can excel is helping people get their head to the right spot to be able to self-actualize what they have in mind. It is always hardest to go from level0 to level1 or something idk. :smiley:


I moved to having high availability on my home server to allow me to tinker more. Still need to figure out a few more things for HA Truenas VM once I get the disk shelf for my SAS ssds, but thats not major.

Id like to see more HA set up videos, feel like its a bit lacking. (I dont need them but are not common on main stream tubers)

I really wish HA had HA, would be fantastic!


It does my VM will fail over from one Proxmox server to the other, hence my Zigbee suggestion

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I am definitely interested in this and will be keeping an eye on this thread.

Getting ready to swap my mobo. Then all parts as it was initially built in 2017 will be available. After this upgrade, from over the years it is the final part to be considered a “new” PC.

The old hardware will be reused as a server in order attempt to learn Linux more again past basic knowledge from past experiences. Have been debating between Arch, Debian, Fedora, and Suse. Maybe Gentoo one day, but that’d be more to learn on the non-server PC. Pretty much stability vs tinkering.

Currently there are some Feit WiFi bulbs around the house and have an ecobee thermostat as well. It’s annoying that they can’t be communicated with the LAN if personal internet or their servers goes down. The lights will eventually be changed to zigbee or another protocol.

I’d like to change the ecobee thermostat (or if there’s custom firmware for it instead) as well to rely on a local server instead. Being able to have the thermostat take different weather/temperature/time conditions into account would be nice too.

An example of that would be during autumn/summer. Only have a furnace, no AC and before changing to an ecobee, it was the OG thermostat from 1984. Could only have one setting, no fan control. It’s currently setup to run the fan a certain amount of minutes in an hour diveded by blocks if it hasn’t hit that amount from already running the furnace, which in the summer the heat is off. Though in autumn/winter it’d be nice to reduce the fan running at night so it doesn’t get too cold then kick on the heat when it would’ve been fine without it. In the summer, maybe increase the total fan during the day when it’s hotter for circulation.

Yea I agree. I think that a lot of YT resources are great for getting ideas and concepts but the forum platform is best for getting people actually moving along on their stuff.

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Those are the Tuya bulbs that I am tinkering with rn. Honestly I don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze. Local Tuya is a headache to get working in the first place then finding the right configs for the bulbs has been proving to be a PITA. The smart outlets were much easier but again if I didn’t already have them I would have spent a bit more to have a native HA implementation rather than going through Local Tuya.

My solution was just to be single. If I break the wireless network I am the only one who will be upset :wink: .


I set up the network, I may take away the network. The IP god giveth, the IP lord taketh away!

Same :slight_smile:

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So my church is looking for a alsmart thermostat. Something that they can lock down so only certain people can modify it, and they also want to remotely control it. I of course have concerns about the security of the product and such. It can be put on a locked down vlan, but I still don’t want something with just completely garbage security. Currently someone else thinks that the Honeywell Home RTH9585WF would be a good fit, but I thought that I would get everyone elses opinion on the subject.

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@Tex I too am looking for a recommendation on a thermostat.

Also does anyone have a recommendation on a combo Zigbee switch+motion sensor. Preferably stand alone battery operated not a mains power unit. I don’t have neutral wires on any of my switches so just swapping out the in wall switches is a no-go.

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