Holy crap 75hz so much better then 60hz

I just overclocked my monitor from 60 to 75hz its a huge difference I have a gaming 144hz one and its nearly as good at that. Wow what a huge difference what do you guys think?

May I ask what resolution you are running? I was a fairly early adopter of 1440, and enjoy the quality of the picture, but sometime wish for a higher refresh (59fps only on my dell monitor)

tbh the monitor is 1440p but I was just playing around with the monitor I saw I think it was 1280x1024 and it could be used at 75HZ. and I noticed it was remarkably smoother then 60hz

Yeah 75hz is certainly a sweet spot, while 60hz is the minimal for comfort level. I do hope we see some new Korean 4k 120hz screens out by end of year for a decent price. It will probably force me to go multiGPU which is something I just never liked in the past (only works in Windows atm, game compatibility / troubleshooting).

I think NVIDIA SLI works in Linux but I have never heard of ANY games working with it... (since they need special magic to actually utilize it.... booo...)

How did you go about doing it and what monitor are you using?

I honestly could not tell any difference on my monitor with 80 Hz at 1440P
Perhaps I should try it again with DOOM since the game itself is a reasonable FPS and we can take advantage of the higher refresh rates.

@Kiyuubi I Used Custom Resolution Utility for mine. I think it should work fine for nVidia as well I'd the control panels does not work.

Use that, could only get to 65 Hz. ;-;

idk I just went into nvidia control panel change res then clicked 1280x1024 and it said 75 hz I and I clicked that. And my monitor is a BenQ XL2730z

Could just be the panel then. Not all panels like to be touched.
Also I believe you have a limitation of 60Hz through HDMI.
Not sure if completely true but regardless of what setting I put it would default back to 60Hz
I was able to achieve 80Hz using CVT timing IIRC.

Is it IPS? depending on the chemistry of the panel 60hz could already be the upper limit of how fast the pixels can change thus a higher refresh would have little to no affect.

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Yeah IPS.
Acer 25" IPS model.
Forget the model number but it's the one with silver colored bezels.

oh yeahhhh that's the one I asked you to try ocing totally forgot... well, it's a cheaper IPS very likely my theory is correct haha

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it does validate 80 Hz refresh though,
Wish I had a camera with adjustable refresh to record fast enough to determine the delay between frames at which the screen refreshes.

i agree with this, i just swtiched toa 75hz freesync and the difference is there

Noted myself that it takes time to adapt and even then after few days that random 60Hz monitor is fine.

After year of 144Hz I did note FreeSync fps dipping in Warframe to 57~ and before I did play just fine with 60Hz monitor. It's also not like "omg such flicker!", but it turns out that I have hard time getting whats going on, like watching out from cars backseat and everything is in motion blur unless I'm constantly focusing new points.

30fps cutscenes havent ever been so hard to watch, also in theater those sideways moving scenes dont make sense.

What you get from higher refresh rate is clarity, like if you ever wonder why its so hard to just put the darn aim to targets it may be why.

Thank you, my friend, for settling an internal debate I had In my mind about a certain monitor :)
I want to say one extra thing...
I used to game on a CRT 1280x1024 @ 75 Hz... Now I am using 1080p/60... And 60 always seemed a bit stuttery to me. It didn't bother me that much, but now that I think about it, never noticed such a thing on the CRT...

I use hdmi 2.0 and I can get 144hz 1440p

Yeah i have a 1080p AH-ips 75Hz aswell.
And sofar i´m very happy with it.
I´m still thinking about buyong a second 27 inch one, and maybe a 34 inch ultrawide screen.
To make it a nice tripple setup.
I saw somebody posting a similar setup, and it got my interests.

I was also thinking about maybe instead of 1080p, a 1440p or 4K setup.
But decent 4K AH ips monitors are realy expensive uphere.
And basicly the same goes for 1440p still.

I had a 75hz ultra wide before I got my 60hz 3440 ultra wide. The difference for me wasn't really all that great. You could notice it, but having a higher resolution is much more of a noticeable upgrade for my eyes.