Hi, would like to ask for help

Could it be possible to passthrough only to the windows VM to the 1070? I am considering switching to radeon 7, would that be viable?

I also just attempted on dom0 the only one that comes up is nouveau, isn’t that the open source one?

Need to Add the repos to dom0 ? Then dnf update then dnf search ?

Your su command is not running successfully

Try sudo dnf install (rest of the command)

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Still recieving no package error :frowning:

I might call it for tonight and start back up tomorrow.

Did you try dnf search? What was the output after adding the repos?


Sorry about that I’m awake again

Failed to synchronize cache repo is the output I recieve.

So I’ve been thinking; would it be better to only passthrough the gpu to windows and add a second amd gpu to use in dom0?

Don’t think they really support pass through thought right? I’ve been afk all day so no time to deal with it sorry

It understandable according to this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Qubes/comments/66wk4q/gpu_passthrough/ they got it working, however it was in dom0. To my knowledge, what is in gpu memory would be what is at risk right? So if I am only using the nvidia gpu for windows, it would only put the windows vm at risk correct? Or am I being too straight foward in my understanding of how passthrough works?

Update - it does seem to be the nvidia GPU, I went ahead and ordered an R 390x, both monitors are functional now, I just have to figure out if I can pass through an nvidia GPU.

Okay so here is where I’m at; both displays show up, however the resolution/scaleing is wonky. I’m currently using an amd GPU as mentioned above. I am currently attemping to install drivers.

Okay I’ve been in the process of trying to fix the resolution online searches have lead me to xrandr, from what I can see my main display is not listing all supported resolutions. Is anyone familiar with getting displays set up on qubes?IMG_20190625_164846

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