Hi, unable to play music files with Deadbeef on PoPOS

I love Level1techs! So recently built a Linux gaming, Ryzen CPU, 5700xt GPU and PopOS the kind help of many here at Level1, thank you.

The only thing left is DeadBeef doesn’t play audio files. The play button on the file doesn’t function at all, any ideas?

Does it work with other media players? Trying to eliminate codec issues.

Use speaker-test to make sure audio works to begin with. pavucontrol is a great utility for troubleshooting audio issues; when an application is playing, it should show up under the “Playback” tab—make sure it’s being sent to the right output device.

DeaDBeeF also has different output plugins in Preferences>Sound; try experimenting with those. Output device should probably be the PulseAudio server.

Great advice, its weird, it doesnt start playing the file. The timer doesnt start playing, every other audio source works, and POP seems so nice. I think it may be that it just isn’t able to access the song on the SSD or something…thanks for the tips!

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I had the same issue on Pop_OS, it actually worked before and I didn’t work out why it suddenly broke yet, but after seeing this thread, I decided to look at other music players, and found the increasingly popular ‘Clementine’ which seems to do everything Deadbeef did and a lot more (and it works on Pop OS!). Give it a go.