Help xinput from non xinput controller on linux?

recently got a steelseries stratus xl controller for Christmas.

i really like the feel of it but unfortunately it’s not an xinput controller so it doesn’t work in a lot of games.
on windows the steelseries engine software handles the conversion but i’m quite happily a linux user.

anybody got any tips on what i might try to get it to work in linux for games that use xinput?

Haven’t tried it, but this might help:
Since that link is now 404:

Those are the guys that are also doing Linux Ports for AAA Games.

Aside from that, probably something that uses the SDL Lib.

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yea i actually ended up messing around with one of the solutions they suggest in that page (xboxdrv) for the past three hours.

took me a bit to realize that starting xboxdrv.service actually autoconfigures whatever joysticks it finds into xbox controllers so when i was inputting the custom mappings with the command it was doubling up on the controls and messing things up for myself.

i didn’t actually have to start the service at all but the instructions i was reading from weren’t exactly clear on that when they mentioned the custom mapping commands later on.

in case anyone else runs into problems with the stratus xl all i had to do was

  1. install xboxdrv

  2. use ‘cat /proc/bus/input/devices’ in a terminal to find the stratus xl and it’s event* handler listing to know what to point the next command to. the number can change between sessions so you’ll have to look it up each reboot.

  3. add the custom button mapping to the command.
    sudo xboxdrv --evdev /dev/input/event* --evdev-absmap ABS_X=X1,ABS_Y=Y1,ABS_Z=X2,ABS_RZ=Y2,ABS_GAS=RT,ABS_BRAKE=LT,ABS_HAT0X=DPAD_X,ABS_HAT0Y=DPAD_Y --axismap -Y1=Y1,-Y2=Y2 --evdev-keymap BTN_START=Start,KEY_HOMEPAGE=Guide,KEY_BACK=Back,BTN_SOUTH=A,BTN_EAST=B,BTN_NORTH=X,BTN_WEST=Y,BTN_TL=LB,BTN_TR=RB,BTN_THUMBL=TL,BTN_THUMBR=TR --mimic-xpad --silent

and then i was good to go.
in the end it was pretty strait forward so my inexperience and inability to properly read man pages until after confusing myself with some longer instructions on a wiki certainly caused me to complicate things for myself.

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