Hi all
I have been running into an issue with Youtube and Chrome. I suspect the issue is more Chrome/my own user account setting related.
Here’s the situation:
I have been running windows, youtube and most applications in dark mode for a while now. Since last week, when I click “open in new tab” in YT, the new tab will not fully load (https://imgur.com/AfPNiId). I suspect something crashed/blocked when loading the site. In the homepage of Youtube, the left-hand side column showing the menu of items don’t show up too (https://imgur.com/JrBhQQJ)
I can however watch YT in the same tab which I clicked, but not launched the link in a new tab (https://imgur.com/yhAKXfh)
After typical efforts of flushing DNS, clear cache and cookies, resetting/uninstalling + installing chrome, the problem persists.
This is an isolated case clearly.
- My other computer which also runs similar settings and the same google user profile did not experience this issue.
- When I run YT incognito, the YT links in new tabs work.
- In Firefox, with my own google user account settings, it works.
- When I log out of Youtube, either a fresh install at the beginning before google sync, OR simply logged out with and without dark mode, the new tab links also work.
So i have isolated that it is only when I log in, in this work computer, that Youtube links in new tabs do not work.
I don’t know what the next step for me at this point. Thanks in advance