Help with Repairing a Asus Crosshair VIII Hero motherboard

And presumably a reflow station.

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you mean a hot-air-station, right?

Those resistors and caps are doable with just an iron, but hotair would do those as well.

Yeah. I’ve always heard them referred to as reflow or rework stations where I’ve been, I guess.

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no problem, i’m not native and well, no problem …

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And I’m not a native electronics engineer, so we’re both at a disadvantage on this topic!

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from your old pictures, it looks like the one marked with a questionmark is still there on your board.

I can’t spot any additional missing parts that you haven’t yet identified.

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It seems to be on your pics.

You can solder those with an iron if your eyesight is sharp and you have a pair of tweezers.

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oh yeah, right. He has to just put them on. That’s super easy because you can do each side on its own.

Use more Flux! I said more Flux. MORE FLUX Gdamit!

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Well it’s taken me forever but I finally got it to post today, thanks for all your help it was great. It seems that the missing capacitors were a 0.1uF + 10uF I’m going to do some overnight testing on it to try and find out if anything else’s is wrong. My soldering was terrible (I greatly underestimate how hard it would be with a soldering iron) but if it works it works and the flux tip helped more than it should have :joy::joy:.


Congratz, but those solderjoints are horid! You need to use more Flux!

Flux is love, flux is live

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You should look into touching up that solder blob in the top part of the photo :slight_smile: More flux!

Well my luck is terrible so I’ll be making a new thread but my vega 64 just died so guess I should try fixing that to :joy::man_facepalming:

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