*If anyone has any other suggestions feel free, not sure GPU recording is up to the task exactly, it’s also bit rate and not CRF which is going to be better for local recording.
You can use VSR/DSR to run any monitor at 4k for testing.
Thanks to anyone who helps. For the Why I’m very interested in running older games at 4k and putting the footage up on youtube, already have a channel set up for it, just need the system for recording.
A Capture card wouldn’t solve the CPU horsepower part of the equation
Guess I’m just putting this call out there, I know a few people here have 1950Xs so I’d be interested in whether I should wait for Threadripper 2 or buy current gen TR…
Can someone run some 4k OBS tests for me? Recording whatever gameplay, Dota 2 is free and you can run a replay, mostly it’ll run at 4k on lower end hardware, or if you want to just jump in Half Life 2 and drive around that would be easy to run at 4k on any GPU. Game graphical settings don’t matter.
Currently I can do 4k recording, but it requires me to use the Ultra Fast Preset with CRF 18-20 I believe, and it uses 7 cores/14 threads, OBS scales great with cores. Here’s my current footage, it has some compression artifacting.
The games I’d be recording are mostly older games. However if the OBS work can only use 12c/24t then it means I can record modern games down the line.
So first thing I would ask is that in CPU Affinity set the game to use cores 0-7 so 4c/8t, then OBS use the rest of the cores/threads, 12c/24t. And have no background processes running.
For OBS settings, the following images:
CRF can range from 14-18 14 preferred, but if it needs to drop to 18 it’s not a big deal. 320 on Audio bit rate as well, because why not?
CPU Usage, Very Fast is pretty good and should be doable as it scales with cores, if it can do Faster without overloading that’d be great, and you probably want to record to an SSD to remove any potential bottleneck there. OBS will give you a warning if it’s overloaded, but maybe keep task manager open and watch the threads as well, hopefully it’s not riding at 100% usage, would maybe want some breathing room so it doesn’t end up dropping frames. Windows 10 is unpredictable after all.