It is my first time building a gaming computer so can someone please help me get a full rig all the parts except monitor,mouse,keyboard. also can it be for at least less than $800 including OS btw im planning to buy it at soon as possible probably tomorrow if i get good choices. thanks
I dont know about that PSU,Rosewill isnt really the most trusted brand. When it comes to PSU's you shouldnt really go cheap on one. If it fails its gonna fry your whole system. I would get a Corsair, Cooler Master, OCZ ZT, Seasonic, Enermax, PC power and Cooling. Never want to take a chance of frying your PC just to save a few bucks.
It's about $20 over budget, but you get $30 in mail-in-rebates, and it's a really nice system for the money. If you can cough up about $30 more in the future, I would recommend getting a Cooler Master Hyper 212+ just to cool the CPU a little bit better.
I tell this to everybody, I've bough over 20 of each 430, 530 and 630w PSUs of their green series, I don't really care what people think of the brand but those products themselves not attacted to a brand I trust, they work well, quiet, cool, and can take punishment, I had a 4Ghz 955BE along with 2 HD 5850s at 1Ghz each all at full load 24/7 for the whole 3 months bitcoin was popular on the 530w, of the over 60 PSUs (a LOT of people come to me to build their computer for a reason) NONE of them have failed in the last 2 years
really OCZ, I think someone needs to catch up on "good brands"