So im trying to revive the CM storm scout 2 i got a few years back by changing its side panel to a tempered Glass, well actually im using an Acrylic sheet as temporary cover for now, so i can have it ready for my Ryzen 5 build. Im just wondering if you got some ideas on how the mounting should be for the acrylic sheet or TG, i was thinking of magnets for the A.sheet but it could scratch it a lot later. You guys have any ideas? TIA
You know the fractal design gard drive mounts?
Glue a rubber O-ring around the screw holes and another O-ring around the screws themselves...
Basically the glass/acrylic will be sandwiched between two rubber rings.
Im kinda not digging it but i like the idea
Go to amazon and search for silicon washer. One of those will shurely fit what you need. Sandwich the windowpanel between the two.