Help please my freinds Macbook pro is acting odd

So yesterday i get this message from a frend of mine. “It glitches. I’ll be doing something and my cursor will move on its own and it’ll zoom in and out on things and click random places. Idk what’s going on with it. I’ve tried restarting it, updating it, and shutting it down. But nothing is working”. I think it is the track pad but since i have never owned or used any apple product thought i would get a secound opinon. She owns a MacBook Pro (13in, Mid 2012) any thoughts?

possible virus. possible bad trackpad. get a mouse plug it in and see if it persists while using the mouse. and it is possible that you have to update the drivers for the trackpad.

To diagnose if it's bad hardware launch a live Linux distro and see if anything is acting weird. If so, just format it and do a clean install of the latest OSX version available. If it's still acting weird something hardware went wrong.

thanks man only problem is im trobleshoting this for a friend who is out of state for collage so we are useing facebook for all of this and i have to walk her though EVERY thing becase bless her heart she know absolutly nothing about computers.

I think I see problem ^
Just kidding. @looming-hawk is probably right. I would try using a usb mouse before doing any tinkering under the hood. Mac's can be finicky.

A lot of the newish macbook pros have had odd trackpad issues, seen it before. Usual suspect is the battery which can expand and put pressure underneath the trackpad causing these odd issues. I'd try disabling the trackpad and using an external mouse to test if its indeed the trackpad.

I feel your pain...