Oh .... I miss read your post. I thought you wanted the screen to be level (centered) with the other one. It looks like you should do this anyway though.
When I right click on my desktop, I do not get that option. The only place I see "change resolution" is in the nvidia control panel and I have no option to show only on 1 :(
sorry was watching the Tek and then got side tracked. I wish one of the guys I messaged would sign on ... these people that have 'real' lives are annoying to guys like me that don't. lol
I will try them again ... definitely by tomorrow.
Try updating your Nvidia drivers to the newest ... that may work.
because it completely uninstalls the drivers and then re-installs the new ones.
If I had XP running on something here I would figure it out.
Hey Guys! Better late than never I guess. Got your message Ratzzz! Sorry I was rebuilding my rig yesterday and didnt get your email until today.
OK one thing that we know for sure is XP can not do this on its own. Nvidia calls this feature SPAN or Surround and you will want to turn it off If i recall its in the Nvidia control panel find "Surround ,Physx" un check the box then use windows display options to set things back up the way you want