HELP NEEDED blockin select updates & lightdm fix?

if i put this

nogdm3.pref file

in the preferences.d folder with this config

Package: gdm3
Pin: release a=*
Pin-Priority: -10

will it prevent an updates to the gdm3 manager the same way i did with snapd after removing it

my reason for this need is that i had disabled gdm3 an removed it after installing lightdm an was very much pleased right up till

a recent batch of updates to which crippled my rig an left me unable to login an after a bit of effort i reinstalled gdm3 an was able to but for what ever reason i cant get lightdm to work again right an cant get elevated privileges to work from nemo when

i need to open as root to do some editing of some thing an also cant get synaptic manager to open either

while running in ubuntu wayland mode like i was before

far as i can tell this all stems back to the recent batch of updates an some kind of error with gdm3 , lightdm an the main release of xanmod i was running at the time going from 6.6.16 to 6.7 broke a lot of shit

im currently running in wayland under 6.6.17-x64v3-xanmod1 lts on ubuntu 23.10

gaming is now stable but the other issues remain like

i still cant get lightdm to work again without login fail (doesnt make it even to screen just goes black)

an still cant get elevated privileges to work from nemo or package manager to run

short of just doing a fresh install id like some info an or advice on a fix for all this or at least a way to block certain things from updating or reinstalling after i do a fresh os install to try to prevent this from happening again

also after a fresh os install can i remove in replace/unistall the default ubuntu kernel an replace with the xanmod

would my wifi & ethernet , an amd gpu drivers all still work?