Help needed AMD fTPM enable or disable

AMD fTPM enable or disable , iv been getting stutters ever since i updated my b450m bios to run my 5600g an load pop os on my build an wither running on x11 or wayland

i get stutters in mouse movement , sound an video & game play ever 30min
x11 (more often) or wayland (less often) (more often from both in game play) which i didnt get before

on my 2600x build i just read about this being related to AMD fTPM which i cant remember if i had it enable or disable before i upgraded os ver an cpu

iv currently got AMD fTPM enabled

You only need Ftpm turned on for the installation of windows 11, you can turn it off after you install it

When I was benching for a video I actually had a 1800x using win11 because it was already installed

If I recall you use Linux so you don’t need it anyway, there should also be a bios update that solves stuttering issues, but disabling it should work too

I think it’s under advanced CPU features on either the OV page or advanced page