Help me with a new UPS for network, servers


I am looking for a UPS for my server room and would like some recommendations.

The UPS would be connected to a Cisco WS-C3750G-48PS-S. This is my main switch running my home network. It has 2 POE cameras connected to it as well.

I also have 2 servers I would like to connect to the same UPS.

One is running Ubuntu with ZFS storage and Plex Media Server. It has 3 1TB spinning rust drives. The system is a Lenovo TS140 running a Haswell i3. This system is run headless.

The second server is for surveillance cameras and is running 2 spinning rust drives, one of which is exclusively for camera recordings. This is a custom built system running a Skylake i7. This system runs at a fairly low CPU load, and is also run headless.

My main concern is keeping all three components operational during brief power outages and power surges. It would be nice if the unit was rack mount, in order to save some space on the floor, but this is not a necessity.

I can provide more detailed information if needed.

Your recommendations are appreciated.

It’s relatively easy: add up the power-supply ratings for all equipment you want protected, quadruple that and you have your basic UPS rating. This’ll give you enough time to safely shut down everything. If you want longer backup time, quadruple that number again for a doubling of the time. (it’s not linear, but exponential)

There are various types of UPS-es, if brownouts are frequent, avoid any units with a direct connection from line-in to the protected side. You want the version with a full sine wave regulator on the output.

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