Help me recover my critical data!

Hey all,

I have a problem!

I heard about TrueNAS a few days ago and hadn’t heard of it before then. I installed it on an old machine , I was a bit short of SATA ports so I used an old USB Stick as a boot drive and put TrueNAS Scale on there. It’s a good machine with a Realtek NIC and some old CMS hard drives. I thought I’d put all my critical data on there as Youtube videos said it was really bullet proof. I did see how much usable space was wasted with RAIDZ1,2 & 3 - so I just striped 2 drives (Pool1), and then another 2 drives stripe (Pool2) to receive replications.

Problem is, one of the drives has failed on Pool1 and even though I’ve replaced the drive, I can’t access my critical data any more. I thought that Snapshots would help, but there’s no option to restore one? I was hoping to replace the faulty drive and then restore a recent replication from Pool2 instead…problem is that I enabled encryption and put the keys in a dataset on Pool1 that wasn’t replicated to Pool2.

I’m gutted that one of the hard drives failed so quickly, I was planning to do some SMART tests in a few months and then perhaps do a LONG one every year and a SHORT test every 2 years. Perhaps I should have done them before the install?

I wonder if it’s something to do with the power cuts I get around here, it’s hard shutdown the machine a few times a day since the install.

Anyway, hope you can help

P.S. April fools. :laughing:
Me trying to be funny, to compensate for my lack of tech knowledge!


Crikey bud, you had me going there! I was reading this thru, thinking “Chris has been truenas-ing for years…” And “raid is for uptime, not backup; raid0 is for sadists” and “why not copy the encryption key to a passphrase vault like bitwarden” the you got me at the end… Well done sir!


Ah cheers troop, glad I got ya going!

I didn’t want to mention that I use bit warden, cos that would have ruined it :grin:

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Should I try harder or not try at all Tim? :slight_smile:

You just have to clean up your hard drive and everything will be OK.


Will do - the washing machine is about to turn on for some whites, so I’ll put the HDD’s in with them. I think our washing powder is made with Environmentally Conditioned Chemicals (ECC), but I’ll have to check.


I don’t know what’s happening in here…

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@ChrisA it sounds like you haven’t properly exorcised your computer. Until the black smoke comes out I fear that you will continue to have problems and sink more and more money into this endeavor.

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You had me going too. I’m thinking “How can he have lost data if only one drive has died?”

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Have an old laptop I’m thinking of doing this to. Just to joke with some people…:stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m having a priest come out shortly, so to speak.

@TimHolus - That reminds me, I must jet wash the inside of the car.

Striped is rarely best :slight_smile:

DO…IT :laughing:

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I’m not proud to say it took me to about here to go “heeeeey, wait the minute!”. To my credit, it’s saturday here and I’m piss drunk :D!


haha, fair play :+1:

Where is here then, ya piss head (as he finishes his last drink of the evening! :laughing: )

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