I need help finding where the shunts are on a GT 1030 I don’t see anything like traditional shunts I’ve seen on higher end cards these are the only front PCB pictures I’ve found
I’ll be cooling it with a 65w peltier
I need help finding where the shunts are on a GT 1030 I don’t see anything like traditional shunts I’ve seen on higher end cards these are the only front PCB pictures I’ve found
What does the back of the card look like?
AHA found the particular model I wanted the gigabyte one with the big aluminum heatsink
from what I gather these things are power starved so If I give it some more juice in addition to pascal liking to be cold for more clocks, I could probably get it pretty high, still a gt 1030 but year
First off its the usual BS about how shunt modding this card might kill your GPU and motherboard due to over current draw past the 75W spec.
Im guessing its going to be these 2 for the black card. But without being able to check for sure i wouldnt trust it. You could combine this for the 16x slot with gamer nexus’s video on the titan V shunt mod to check for yourself
I know the risks, but its a 30w card and I don’t intend to go past 150~200%
It was just obligatory =P
Those would be my personal to guesses but i would double check them to be sure
cool thanks for the help!
Im guessing the card is using another method to detect the power draw but that will be for another user to answer as that is beyond my knowledge at this point
The upper one is a capacitor, don´t short that one!
Got it!
Hope my 7950 works so it doesn’t come down to this
It’s possible to change the GT1030 Power Limit via BIOS mods. Default is 30Watt.
But it can’t be done via shunt mods (Shorting current sense resistors).
The GPU die itself is so limited in power draw as is. And has a tendency to become suicidal with higher voltages.
TLDR: The GPU Core itself is the Power Limiter.
well shit, translated to english the guide said there wasn’t a bios quite yet but it looks like I’d need an Epprom programer
wonder how far with the peltier alone I could get, I keep hearing the colder pascal is the higher it’ll clock
I just want to point out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xo2gHb_qUw
Theres another video somewhere that if you get a 1280X1024 monitor, go to nvidia settings, set 720p unscaled so you have black bars, the card performs like a 1050 or 60 and you can even play on high settings in some games. I can’t find the video tho with all these tiny “review” channels just spamming video’s.
oh so a semi decent low end card as long as you keep the res down not bad. ponders over if its really worth the price over the AMD offering.
They make great HTPC cards since they have hardware h265 decoding and support 4k60 pretty easily. I wouldnt consider it for many games.
I doubt the 1060 part but my monitor max res is 1440*900
Its a matter of shrinking the textures down a lot. Thats what makes them so strong for gaming. The GT330 was a good gaming card too if you had 5:4. I could get 90FPS at max settings in Insurgency with a really shit first gen i5. Put that 330 in a pentium 4 and it still did really well. 1030’s are no different. Don’t doubt the powah.
My condolences.
Why cool with a peltier?
The cooler Pascal is the higher turbo boost will sustain, and I already have several I just need nail polish and some fans