I’m hoping Wendell ir Ryan can here this. I live in Surrey BC Canada yes down the street from #lienus) haha jk. My step grandma is trying to go fully online and I thought that maybe help from you and linode you could help clean up what she already has. I can give you her email or you can message me if interested.we are a multi layered family company owned by my grandpa in industrial consulting and technical marketing as well as a manufacturers agency in the concrete precast industry. Please reach out if interested in at least taking a look. Not looking for just free advice but hopefully just final buttoning on her idea of her net store. Also someone she knows has put a massive amount of hours in but I think with your knowledge it could really be a great experience. Hope to hear back.
Thanks for the quick reply
Patricial (Pat) will be in contact with you [email protected]. telus email was recently merged with Gmail unfortunately.
Just to be clear, I am not wendell, and I have no connection to him.
I just happen to know the url of his website.
Hey that’s what I figured and thought maybe he would want some work but maybe too busy. Either way it will all work out. I’d do it myself but have enough on my plate with the heart of the company.