[HELP] Capturing Visual Studio Code with OBS

I am trying to find a way to window capture VSCode with OBS and window capture.
Thus far I’m unable to, I was wondering if someone could help me with this.

What I know and have tried.

  • OBS uses Xcomposite as way of capturing windows.
  • I have tried running VSCode with the --disable-gpu flag to no avail
  • I’ve tried kazam (another windows capture program) which gives the same result

My system:
Intel i7-6700k
Arch Linux (Kernel 5.6.7-arch1-1)
GNOME 3.36.2 on Xorg
NVIDIA GTX 1080 with proprietery NVIDIA drivers (v440.82-8)
OBS 25.0.4-1

I just tried to recreate this. OBS NDI detected the VSCODE window right away, xcomposite.

Is screen capture a possibility for you? It will capture everything on the monitor so it’s not ideal if you have sensitive data around but it should see everything the user can.

In fedoras login screen, if you select the gear, you can use xorg. Then obs can see more applications

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Can’t be booted into Wayland

waylands not there yet

Sensitive info is exactly the reason I would like to window capture.
Coul you share your Distro, DE and Graphics driver, maybe that’s the issue.
As for me.

Im running:
Arch Linux (Kernel 5.6.7-arch1-1)
GNOME 3.36.2 on Xorg
NVIDIA GTX 1080 with proprietery NVIDIA drivers (v440.82-8)
OBS 25.0.4-1

I am on Xorg

So I’ve found the issue I believe.
And that is that I use the closed source NVIDIA drivers.
Everything works correctly when I use the nouveau drivers.

Do you have any Idea if there is any idea how to fix this while keeping the NVIDIA drivers instead of nouveau?

I’d recommend having a setup that’s clear of sensitive data so you can just screen capture.

If it’s going to be livestreamed then set up a new scene as a ‘please stand by’ screen and bind some hotkeys to each scene so you can switch between them on the fly as needed.

Another option would be to use a VM. OBS would surely pick up on the VM window.

Try KDE. GNOME based derivatives like Cinnamon have capture issues on Terminal windows.

If that doesn’t work, put everything on a secondary monitor, and use a Elgato Cam Link.

Don’t use screen capture, it has many image artifacts on Nvidia.