I did a quick little test and I don’t think such a tangle of cables will work, especially below Android10.
I simulated your nano pc with a Tablet, from which the sound was output through the jack and fed to the phone to the usb sound card to the microphone plug.
Audio routing done with LesserAudioSwitch and listening quickly with the Microphone app.
The signal input is set to DAC / USB, but it will also work with the jack / headset, although I had a weaker signal. The output is set to bluetooth. BT headphones with microphone attached to the phone, mono / stereo does not matter …
App Microphone turned on and captures input / microphone signal.
The end result… I can perfectly hear the sound coming from the tablet (nano pc).
In other words, the people who would talk to you during your calls would be heard through the bt earpiece.
But the same will be accomplished perfectly simply with one of these transmitters mentioned above. So the $…
But this is only half and this is obvious to everyone. The problem is, however, send the voice from the bt microphone to the tablet jack (nano pc). I have struggled with this for a while and I don’t see simple solutions, apparently A10 and above can touch the source twice, in the case of lower versions I fail.
Yes, you can set the in / out so that you can catch the bt microphone, but then you will not hear others’ voices. One or the other both on something like A7, A8 doesn’t work.
You can of course make a crazy move and go completely commando into battle. 
Two Android devices, separate BT microphone, separate BT headphones.
One set does as input audio and the other as output audio.
They work completely independently of each other, but it should work. one point of contact will be the split on the 4P jack cable going into the nano pc. On the nano pc side, there will be no difference, it will still be a standard 3.5mm 4P input / output jack plug.
Or, instead of Android, there are two ready-made devices. One transmitter and one receiver, the rest remain the same. Very stupid, I know I know… 
The easiest way would be to find a box that will attach itself to the headphones, but at the same time will be able to pick up the microphone. but if I understand correctly, even these double tx / rt must be set manually and I have doubts whether they are capable of handling the microphone.
It is much easier to do it on a normal machine with normal OS and full in / out control.