HD 7870 HDMI resolution problem


Today I got my new HD 7870 from MSI, installed into my pc no problems so far. I installed the drivers for the card etc. So I thought after installing the drivers the resolution would be normal. I checked CCC it said it allready was at the highest resolution (1920x1080p). But my screen still looks like 1280x720p. I tried to fix it by tweaking some things in CCC but that didn't work.  

Does anybody know how to fix this?

pss.. sorry for my bad English it's my second language.



disable overscan by graphics card


Did not work.

Ah , did you by chance check your display settings in your os ?

Yes, I did it says the same 1920x1080p. 

So if you right click on ccc and put your pointer on your graphics card It brings up another pop up that says set desktop area to and it list options for resolutions.

Did that but also didn't work windows and ccc say that it's at 1920x1080p. But everything looks huge. 

Control panel then click display should bring up a screen that gives you options on sizing, smaller medium and larger. correction  hardware and sound then display

Do you have some crazy custom scaling setting? Mine goes up to 500 percent so that would make everything huge.

That worked:) thanks!! It was set to 150% but everything looks normal now.
