
Taken from techpowerup.com

The Tom Clancy's HAWX demo has been delayed for pc players.

Anyway, here's a gameplay video in HD of the game, how do you guys thing it looks?


I think we needed a new air combat simulator, but I just hope it doesn't get as repetitive as the latest ubisoft titles. Also, the graphics are tight,

It looks cool but ACE COMBAT FTW

Again from techpowerup.com

The Demo has been released today, you can download it here:




I'm currently downloading it, will post some a lil review later.

Source: http://forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?t=86566

The game is ok, I really don't care for it. Don't like the controls, to hard for me with mouse.

Ya if it's good I might digg up my old controller I used for flight games. That's if I can find it in the mess that is my wardrobe. It's like fucking Narnia in there.

Downloading demo at home :D

Burnout with jets.