Having problems with my DVD Drives

Hey guys!

I have some problems with my DVD drives.

First DVD drive loads burnt CDs and DVDs but wont load blank CDs and DVDs

Second drive wont even open the tray, makes a sound like its being opened but stays in the drive.

Check to see if its all plugged in properly and if it is your drive is probably broken, is anything clogging it from opening it?

Check to see if its all plugged in properly and if it is your drive is probably broken, is anything clogging it from opening it?

HumorusPrawn wrote 2 minutes ago »

Check to see if its all plugged in properly and if it is your drive is probably broken, is anything clogging it from opening it?

They both are properly plugged in.

For the second drive, i think the front plate can hold it closed, beacuse the drive acts like something is holding it back, gonna check later.

My main thing atm is to get the first drive into work, so i can burn Windows 7 on it, which i cant atm.

Well, frist drive sounds like it's just getting old, and second drive might be that the rubberband that connects to the motor and the tray has snapped or worn out. Try to pull the tray out, if you can then the rubberband is lose or broken if not then it probably has gears running the tray instead of a pully system.

Have you tried it without putting them in the bays? How old are they, and are they still under warranty?