Having problems installing nvidia drivers with secureboot

I’m currently in the process of installing Ubuntu 18.10.

I’m installing Ubuntu to one SSD, while windows is running on the other.

I’m currently trying to install Nvidia binary driver 415 but I’m having some problems.

I believe the issue is secure boot related because It asks me to enter a secure boot password that I will use after I reboot, but when I reboot I don’t get prompted to enter a password.

Ubuntu just boots like normal, but the driver doesn’t get applied properly, I’m getting graphical bugs, low resolution and other such problems.

What can I do to fix this, setup secure boot and install the Nvidia driver.

My motherboard is Asus x99s running bios 3701.
My graphics card is a GTX 980
My ubuntu is 18.10 running what ever the normal kernel for that relese is.


I would try disabling secure boot, installing the driver, then re-enabling it.

Or you could just leave it off as it causes more issues then it helps solves, but I don’t know your use case.

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If you’re manually installing the binary via the terminal, it will ask you wheter to sign the kernel module or not. Make sure to answer ‘yes’ and take note of where the installer places the .der signing key.
After installation, import the key

Reboot, then it should ask for the password. Unless i’m forgetting something.

Edit: Might also be an issue in the UEFI settings, there should be a options about key management somewhere. Changing from ‘user mode’ to ‘setup mode’ might help.

I don’t see an option about kernel module. At the end of package installation this is all I see.

I’ve tried following this guide https://askubuntu.com/questions/1023036/how-to-install-nvidia-driver-with-secure-boot-enabled

But I get a “Failed to enrol new keys” when I run the mokutil command.

newpc@Desktop-Ubuntu:/home$ sudo mokutil --import /home/newpc/Nvidia.der
input password: 
input password again: 
Failed to enroll new keys