Logan, Wendell, Qain... My god I am crying out about this absurd crap being posted on Ars... It is a console fanboy complaining about the PC being too complicated.
couldn't read, article was 30fps.
Okay so the guy had like two good points. After reading this I think a windows app store is a good idea. The items in the windows app store would be Microsoft approved apps, and they could use some built in bug reporting or what ever. However Windows needs to stop all this crap of limiting things apps not in their app store can do. If I want to install an app that isn't in the windows app store then I should be allowed to do so, and it should be given what ever permissions I decided to give it. If it messes everything up, that is my fault for installing it. If it breaks when I update my OS oh well.
after the 8th paragraph I stopped reading as nothing the author said would be fixed by doing what microsoft claims. and half of what the author claims is broken about pc's is a symptom of what makes them worthwhile.
yeah, it seams to be a argument by a fanboy that ignores all the facts that counter his arguments.
I thought bricking consoles was rather easy. Doesn't help that almost all the updates are firmware updates. So much easier to reinstall OS then a say a BIOS chip that has been flashed wrong. There are all the unpatchable issues that existed for consoles for the longest time and still can be a issue.
Does bring to my mind a interesting notion though. A locked down OS. Something the takes tech support to change. It auto updates. Auto configures. Only allowing you to install apps from a aproved list. In my experience all the issues he mentioned come from the end-user. Not the software or hardware. Elimate the end-user's ability to mess up the system and most the issues are elliminated.
I am nor for sure if I would buy anything like that though. I like being able to break stuff when I want. Especially without worrying about lack of support do to voiding the warranty.
he completely took what Tim Sweeney said out of context. He is a lieing whore
Tim Sweeney said "In my view, if Microsoft does not commit to opening PC UWP up in the manner described here, then PC UWP can, should, must and will, die as a result of industry backlash."
he did not say it can, should, must and will die. He said Microsoft needs to commit to openeing PC UWP.
Journalism is dead, its why i use an ad blocker and i never feel bad about it.
Ars has posted some questionable articles over the years. There is a reason that I have avoided them.
Also, PC and Console gaming have completely different values. Microsoft putting Phil Spencer in charge of PC gaming is like a University putting Ken Ham in charge of their science department. Its a slap in the face of PC gaming.
Just because Origin or Steam logs things off my pc does not make a very convincing argument for the death of pc gaming. I don't like the fact that certain telemetry is being done, but I'm sure it's just as bad on a console- if not worse. I came over from console a while back, and I can never go back. Is shit more difficult? Yes, it is a little more involved. But it is also an educational process. I learn how this stuff works, and how to fix things. People in the tech community are only seconds away when you do something wrong, and they are always happy to help and share. I'm pushing 50 years old, and if I can play BF4 at 140fps, anybody can do it. Not to mention I'm a friggin' idiot to begin with. I like running 80 mods on skyrim. I like watching youtube and netflix without an "app" that has a bullshit interface with limited functionality. I like having multiple pages open at one time when I'm looking into something. And even though I only use the edge default browser in W10, I at least have the option to choose between hundreds of browsers. But most important of all, if Windows gets out of control, I don't have to throw my entire pc away in protest. I can change the friggin' OS and learn something new all over again. The "next gen" consoles are nothing new and exceptional in any way. They can't be upgraded much, and when they hit the shelves they were already having their asses handed to them by last-gen low budget pc's. When a $300 laptop running windows xp can run rings around a new console, something is seriously wrong. The guy who wrote that article should go home, turn on his ps4 or xbone, and leave the pc gaming world in the capable hands of real enthusiasts that value self-education and personal freedom. I, for one, look forward to 4k gaming at 120fps sometime in the next year when the newer chipsets and gpu"s roll out. What will console do then?
I seriously can't like your post enough. Don't get me wrong here, I came from console gaming, and until I was an adult I was always a few console generations behind the current, however I have also been tearing computers apart since I was ten(twenty eight now) and I loved the hardships of learning how these monstrosities worked, I have always been self educated on Pcs hell I even when to Tech School for Graphic Communications, a second passion of mine, instead of an IT field. I didn't even have the internet to fall back on as a resource as a kid, so a mistake was often times a fatal one for my hardware, and living in a rural area surrounded by the Amish makes for some interesting times. So to have some wanker say that a platform that, yes it causes me more headaches than I would like to admit, is broken and dead, needs to have his head examined. Guess he forgot that the majority of console games are programmed and designed on PC first too, so how dead is it again JackAss?
Edit: I guess he never really said that its "Dead" but that it is "broken" but to say it is broken because I can load up what ever the hell I want is ridicules that is part of the point with PC, is to be able to multitask and use what ever programs i feel I need to regard less of the ramifications. If I was that concerned about a locked down interface and access to programs that might cause my system issues, I would have bought a Mac instead of painstakingly building my own system, and that is clearly the point he doesn't get, why the original article by Mr. Sweeney is calling out Microshaft on their lock down on windows 10.
718p 29.95fps, couldn´t read!
Should have stopped reading at "Programs do not uninstall cleanly, leaving detritus scattered hither and yon."
It's a tech article not a Pulitzer prize piece.
I'll just leave this here......
I read Ars Technica almost daily but not so much for their computer related articles. Most of the editors there use Mac's, and the rest rarely impress with their PC knowledge either. It's always been like that for as long as I've known about Ars.
The level of butthurt here over an op-ed is amazing. To the OP, that you immediately stoop to name calling without offering any kind of meaningful analysis of why he's wrong clearly shows your own biases.
Home computing became popular with the general public but we were already here doing our thing, It was like a bunch of randoms turning up at our party and because they've had enough of it they think the party is over, Go back to your walled gardens, your facebooks your consoles and your apple os', Good riddance.
admittedly windows has terrible userspace control and thats why some games run better as admin. The main problem of consolizing the pc is that it can create a monopoly.
"This game cant run because we cant get money out of it by forcing it into a corner."
By only allowing some features available to the windows store, this puts microsoft into a position of power it does not need to be in. It wouldnt be nice to know you cant play the sequal to your favorite game because microsoft forced devs to use windows store features. Most of the problems that pcs have are caused by the user and improper maintenance. As for games sucking on PC, that is because of the shitty ports your consoles has brought over to the pc.
Got off on a rant there. sorry
That is not helpful to anyone in any way.
Well. Why would he? OP stated his opinion very clear. No need to argue with yourself in this case.
To be biased is not per say a bad thing. Why wouldn´t he be biased when you are not either? When you want to argue, bring on the arguments but don´t react like a child who just had been told santa wasn´t real.
I'll be generous for a moment, what he is saying about the PC platform being broken is basically true to some degree but almost all of the breakage can be directly attributed to MS and the Windows platform, if we lived in another dimension where Windows was a 3rd party player like Linux is it would have never gotten as bad as it is, but to defend MS a lot of their problems are directly tied to the fact that with every version of Windows they wanted backward compatibility with older hardware and software, you can't have it both ways (stable, secure, & robust, and backward compatibility) MS chose the latter to foster more sales at every level from home to enterprise, it has worked very well for them up to this point.