Sorry is this is a bit if a stupid question, but I want to know in depth about hard drive fragmentation, what it is and why it happens, also what is actually happening when you de-frag a drive.
FYI - I couldn't find a previous forum post with this specific question, if i missed it please link it to me!
hard drive fragmention is where the files on you hdd are spread out accross all the plates and it has to work a lot to find the files its searching for this happens when you download and install programs they get put anywhere on the hard drive e.g. a third of a program is on the 1st plate and the rest are on the third plate and it takes a while for the os to find the files to start the program when you defragment a drive it groups all of the most used data closer to the top of the hard drive so it takes less time to find it and start the program