Sorry if I posted in the wrong category, I am trying to find a learning resource/resources that can introduce me into Information Security and Cyber Security before I commit to college courses. Anyone have any opinions, reviews of Hack the Box Academy or Try Hack Me or a different learning resource you would recommend? For a beginner, like green as green can be. Hack The Box reminds me of a P2W or phone game and Try hack me seems to be less of a money sink but still pretty deep 6 month sub. I’ve liked tinkering with computers and hardware overclocking for awhile but never dove in deeper.
You can try Google Gruyere web app if you want to learn some basics and then go from there if you like it. It’s a bit old at this point but hey - that may be a plus in this case.
Thanks I’ll have look at it.
try hack me is more noob friendly than hack the box.
theres also a really good entry point called picoctf, its very beginner friendly.
also do not pay for anything yet.
the free resources on all three sites are more than enough to give an introduction.
the THM learning paths also have free introductory rooms which you should complete before considering signing up for a subscription.
as for what you will need. either a vm setup (preferably with passthough) or a dedicated ssd/nvme/hdd you can install a toolbox o.s. on.
currently there are 2 kali and parrot, but you can install the tools you need on pretty much any popular linux distro.
Owasp juice box is another free options