Hello I purchased a pre flashed “IT mode” H200 raid card so I can run ZFS on my Dell PowerEdge 710.
how ever the card had a boot failure issue
“Invalid PCIe card found in the Internal Storage slot”
I tried to follow these guides on fixing the issue by editing the card, however I keep getting errors when I try to unbind or halt the card in order to edit it.
brandon@kali:/usr/share$ lspci -Dmmnn | grep LSI
0000:01:00.0 “Serial Attached SCSI controller [0107]” “Broadcom / LSI [1000]” “SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] [0072]” -r03 “Dell [1028]” “6Gbps SAS HBA Adapter [1f1c]”
brandon@kali:/usr/share$ sudo lsirec 0000:01:00.0 unbind
mmap bar1: Invalid argument
Then I tried a work around for the “mmap bar1: Invalid argument” error
opened 08:44AM - 24 Jun 19 UTC
When running lsirec on linux kernel 4.5 or higher the program gives the error: mmap bar1: Invalid argument. This is due...
but nothing is fixing my issued can anyone offer any advice?
@wendell @ryan @admin
First of all, you need to make sure you have root permissions to be able to issue these commands. Type: sudo su
Supply your password on request.
Then try again with the original solution.
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brandon@kali:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for brandon:
└─# lsirec 0000:01:00.0 unbind
mmap bar1: Invalid argument
Ok, back to square 1 then:
disconnect all drives (if you haven’t already) and move it over to a different slot.
perform the mmap workaround you’ve found (as root, edit the required file, save it, then reboot)
boot with a different kernel, <4.5, SysrescueCD 6.0.6 has kernel 4.19 (current version is 7.0.1, which has kernel 5.4, so unusable)
ok I couldn’t get sysrescuecd working properly on my dell optiplex but that’s besides the point.
I installed ubuntu 16.04.7 wit kernal 4.4
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian
I edited grub / updated grub / restarted the box
and it worked!
October 4, 2021, 11:45am
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