H1Z1 a rip off of DayZ from Sony Online?

This evening at 7pm EST, two individuals from Sony Online Entertainment, Jimmy and Tom, sat down with over 20K twitch views to show a quick (54minutes) of gameplay from the much anticipated H1Z1 mmo from SOE.

many are calling it a clone, and many are not in support of previous work from SOE only time will tell

below is the two parts of the stream take a look for yourselves,

i would love to hear what everyone has to say about it :)



if they do work and actually make it playable withought immense lag even on high end systems *coughs DayZ standalone* then i will give it a try, and plus it actually has a dev team behind it that is rather large and will do some work on it rather than adding in 5 different colors of jackets and 2 weapons over the course of 3 months. *coughs survivor stories and DayZ*.

Hopefully this will have fewer hackers. I was disappointed by the DayZ release. I'm unsure if it will shape up to be a good game. I always welcome additional considerations/ choice of games

I don't know that we can call it a rip off. At least I can't, other people are welcome to disagree.

But there isn't any good and/or finished zombie survival out there so Sony is welcome to make their own version of it. And if they can do it better then others all the power to them.

It can't be any worse than the DayZ standalone, or a certain zombie MMO scam that flopped. If you don't like it don't play it. If you like it, play it. Don't hate it if it is similar to another game.