Guy downloads his private data from online services, is surprised by what he finds

Now that is clickbait title if I ever seen one… You won’t believe it…


Google hates him, look what he did with this one simple trick


Currently Quantum is just nowhere near useful.

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Why would the NSA say otherwise?
Surely it would be in their best interest to deny it, even when it does start helping

Because IBM and Google are both leading in the race to quantum, and they both would be making a very big marketing event if they got quantum to be useful.

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:tinfoil: yeah right, they are leading the race :tinfoil: :male_detective:

If you say so. :wink:

There are people who claim that quantum may need less time to break Elliptic-Curve compared to the time that would be required for RSA 4K. Can ed25519 be broken today … this is an open question. But in theory it would require less time than for RSA if the right quantum were used.

Ladar Levison told various strange rumors that he had heard something about the NSA’s capabilities in this area and what they are able to break.

That was something I found to be a valid point a few years back. I posted a survey about online browsing habits and ad blockers. Within our community, we all basically run ad blockers so it did skew the data a fair bit. So us being enthusiasts and aware of the issues these companies present would also skew our interactions to be more on the conservative side