Gunnar Glasses

So I see this video and I kinda wanted to share my experience with them.

I had the Crystaline Onyx for about 4 years now.
They have titanium frames and clear lenses so they don’t color shift. Only that’s a lie. They do color shift. Putting them on does slightly shift the entire color scheme towards the yellow ish color. Yes, nowhere near as strong as the yellow lenses, but still.
Now this guy did not mention my biggest gripe with the glasses - the lenses always have magnification. Slight magnification, but still it is present and it is noticeable. It took me weeks to get used to it. The magnification is causing me more eye strain than the blue light to be honest. Whatever good the glasses are doing is immediately undone by that one thing.

To be completely clear - I have not felt any positive noticeable difference. I have gone through periods of wearing them daily and periods of not wearing them at all just to be able to compare - no difference what so ever.

This guy says they work and they are great and what not and I have a wild guess why - he have the yellow lenses while I have the clear lenses. So my guess is, the yellow lenses actually work and do what they are supposed to do. The clear lenses - not so much.

Anyone else having Gunnar glasses?


I have the same Onyx ones as you but back from circa 2014 (wearing them right now as I type this actually).

I do have the yellow tinted ones. They do block more blue light than the clear ones.

However, it still took me a week to notice the difference but once I did the constant headaches went away.

I’ve also used the JBL cheapo ones for ~$25 and they are about as effective honestly.

If the magnification bothers you just get ones without it. IMO I prefer the magnification but to each their own.

I wish monitor manufactures would just put a bluelight coating on their monitors so this wouldn’t even be an issue.

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I have gunner Haus onxy, yellow lenses. I noticed the very slight magnification but at my age it’s actually a bit appreciated.

I use them when my eyes get tired and they work. I’m a fan.


I’ve got some similar to this, they’re good, but I find that if I wear them all day, they mess with my sleep schedule, so I tend to only wear them in the evening.

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Never had them.

Here is what I know: What you need is polarized UV blocking glasses to protect your eyes. Since you are indoors you probably dont need UV protection for your eyes unless you are operating UV-C sterilizer to clean potentially Covid contaminated stuff.

The polarized light is mainly to reduce glare. Some monitors actually have the opposite polarization of the glass I am using so the screen actually goes black behind the glasses I use.

There is also leaded glass for when you are being exposed to x-rays to protect your eyes. But why are you even wearing this? Get out of the xray room!

I havent really read proper scientific literature for blue light filter. Last I heard, the actual light wakes you up, not necesarily blue wavelength only but I am not so certain about this.


Blocking blue light has done wonders for me personally.

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I have no horse in this race, it never bothered me.

But what I do wonder for those that it does irritate is how does the built in “Night Light” feature in windows 10 or say F.Lux compare.

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It helps by altering the harshness but doesn’t fully remove the unperceived blue light from hitting your eyes quite like how actual hardware will.

I am no expert, but my own personal experience with the product have led me to agree with this decision.


Works wonders for me, I turn it on after 8pm always.


I’m looking at a screen from 9 am to 9pm most days so having glasses is a big deal.

If you only get 2 hours of screen-time a day you won’t really need them.


Linux has redshift to provide this feature, for those interested.

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I have an off brand pair, the’re just blue-blockers from the 80’s (look up the commercials). The part I have are the lower % version. Don’t bother, go big or don’t bother. Mine are in wayfarer frames and people thing I nee glasses… Hah.

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I’ve had a pair of Gunnar Emissary’s for 9yrs now I think. I got them in 2011 or '12. They have yellow lenses. I used them mostly while I was at the office. One thing about the yellow tint is that it increases contrast, especially when reading black text against light backgrounds so, along with the slight magnification, it makes reading text much easier helping to reduce eye strain. I did project controls, planning, and scheduling with Primavera P6 which generally uses very small text to maximize the amount of info on the screen. I’ve been working at home for the last couple of years doing software configuration but I still use them occasionally, usually when I’m already tired or haven’t had a lot of sleep.

I have a pair of Felix Gray’s with clear lenses as well, but I tend to go back to the Emissary’s b/c they are lighter and again, the increase in contrast.

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I run my monitors pretty dimm anyway (and
my room is more gloomy than well lit). Never has been an issue for me.

Concerning headache:
I am a migraine patient anyway, so a “normal headache” won’t even have me grab medication.
What helped me more than any fidling with light (“night mode”, “reader mode”, yellow filters, etc.) was forcing me to sit properly (can find info on that online) and doing training for my neck/shoulder muscles.

Test group of 20 is about as good as “trust me bro”

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