[Guide] Install Wire chat client on Debian from secure Repo

A short guide to installing the Wire secure communication client on Linux


  1. Install apt-transport-https to fetch packages over HTTPS

sudo apt install apt-transport-https
  1. Import the Wire PGP signing key to verify installed packages:

sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/releases.key
  1. Add the Wire repo to your Sources list

echo "deb https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/debian stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wire-desktop.list
  1. Lastly, update packages list and install Wire for Linux on Ubuntu with this command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install wire-desktop

Other Distributions (AppImage)

As of now there is now custom RPM repository for other distributions

  1. As of writing this you can use this command to get the latest AppImage of wire

mkdir ~/bin/wire
wget https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/wire-2.13.2739-x86_64.AppImage -O ~/bin/wire/wire.AppImage
  1. Make the AppImage executable

chmod a+x ~/bin/wire/wire.AppImage
  1. Run the application

~/bin/wire/wire.AppImage &
  1. Manually Add Wire to your launcher menu of choice

Also yes, the numbers all being 1 is a bug. Tagging @wendell

You can find me on wire under @catsay


I'm not sure if you can edit titles here, but you might want to change "Linux" to "Debian"


Tutorial, badge him!

What about Fedora ? I see some research is in order.

Added the AppImage version for other distros

Might add a manual compile script later :wink:

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