GTX 970 3.5GB RAM Class Action Lawsuit = $30 refund

If you are a U.S. resident and you purchased one or more GeForce GTX 970 graphics processing unit ('GTX 970') devices in the U.S. from the Defendants, the AIC Partners ("AIC Partners" is defined in the Settlement Agreement as "Gigabyte, ASUS, EVGA, InnoVISION Multimedia Limited, Micro-Star International Co., Ltd., Manli Technology Group Ltd., Palit Microsystems Ltd., PC Partner Group Ltd., PNY Technologies Inc. and ZOTAC International (MCO) Ltd. or their subsidiaries, divisions or affiliates") or their authorized retailers between September 1, 2014 and August 24, 2016, other than for purposes of resale or distribution, you have a right to know about a proposed settlement of a class action lawsuit and your options.

If you are eligible, you may submit a claim for $30 cash for each qualifying GTX 970 device purchased in the U.S. between September 1, 2014 and August 24, 2016.

Well, This makes buying a 970 2 months before Pascal dropped easier to swallow.


As much as I am happy to finally see something come out of that, it is against the board partners and not nVidia, which kind of sucks as the board partners were just following nVidia design.

They really should not be the ones to foot the bill here. Once again nVidia gets away scott free.


Woo, a weeks worth of beer for me!


Any confirmation that this is a legit website?

Looked into it, confirms it.

I filled in the form and needed my MSI box for the serial numbers, etc. and attached a scan of my receipt.

Geez, $30, I would pay $150 for a working GTX 970.

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Well it's a $30 settlement to 970 owners because they were misled, they don't have to return their 970 or anything like that. Looking forward to it, probably throw it in the bucket for a GPU upgrade when I sell my 970.

I know, but dang, some guy told me he got a 970 2-Way SLI (Yes, 2x970s) for $240


I paid full price for my 970 because I needed it right then in March, even though pascal was coming.
It was $339.95 at Micro Center, now it's 249. So after the refund I only got burned by $60.


My guess about the board partners having to pay the refunds is, Nvidia's lawyers were able to claim that Nvidia told them about the 3.5GB issue, but the wholesale manufacturers chose to market it as 4GB on the box. Just a theory.

Who will actually go for their 30$ ? I mean not just saying you will but actually doing it?

In the end it will not hurt them as much....

I heard they settled on $40, mailed checks for $35 and sent cash for $5 Canadian.

Damn, didn't pick that up in the news feeds. Nvidia have better compensate their partners.

That's just from what I read I could be wrong but that's how it looks.


ok, i know i was buying only 3.5GB VRAM card, still FU Nvidia


Technically speaking not.
There was still 4GB physically available on the card.

After upgrading from a 2 GB GTX 660 SLI, I haven't run into any 3.5+0.5 GB memory issues at 1080p.

I find this refund unprecedented but quite welcome.

its been there to claim for at least couple months now.

">_> why is it exploding now?

This is just a glorified mail in rebate at this point.

I'm also sure that Nvidia isn't going to lose any money off it. I'm sure people have already said, "I'm going to sell my 970 and use that with my $30 to buy a 10XX series."

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but wasnt that 0.5 "slow" or not even accessible by software? well honestly i dont care that much, i'm just raging just about that "US ONLY" part