Gtx 770 problems

So I've been noticing some weird things with Bf3. My fps has been varying all over the place. The first game I boot into usually gets about 70-80fps. Games after that get 40-60fps. That doesn't seem right. My temps are all fine. On my 8350 I'm getting max temps of about 47c. On the Gtx 770 I get max temps of about 67c. Could this be some virus that I managed to get? The only other thing that seems weird is that the Gpu usage percentage isn't going to 100%. It likes to go to about 80-90% (in the games with lower fps) even though there is no bottleneck keeping it there. Is there something I have to set to make sure it gets to 100%?   

first of all you should precise in what condition you play the game,full hd and with all the graphics pushed to the max or something else? 

anyway,the thing about the gpu usage is misunderstood,the lower the gpu is used the more playable will be the game,it simply means that the gpu only use that potential to run the game in these conditions,it's exactly how the cpu work,if the load is low,the pc is fast,if it's hitting 100% then it will be laggy.