i was wondering how a 660 sc edition would handle multi monitor gaming, considering putting one in my system i am planning. am looking to use three monitors. if you would like some of my system specs just let me know.
i was wondering how a 660 sc edition would handle multi monitor gaming, considering putting one in my system i am planning. am looking to use three monitors. if you would like some of my system specs just let me know.
I will do something similar pretty soon, so i can give you an accurate answer after 26th April.
Heres what i plan on doing if you are interested:
3x 1080p and 720p Projectors with GTX TF III 660 OC SLI. Gona run Trine 2 on it, maby test out some other games aswell.
Heres what i can say for now: you can use nvidia Surround with 660, some games will run fine, depending on your resolution, if you wanna do something crazy like 5760x1080, then you will run into some problems, because you are stressing your GPU hard. For that you need a 660 SLI, or 680 or higher card, even then, on the latest games, you might get FPS issues.
What usually runs on 60 FPS stable should be playable, but you might see some tearing and spikes.
i play a lot of runescape and i love battlefield three but on console, its kinda boring. i want to be submerged in the experience. i love video games and i want to get all that i can out of them. so would you think that it would run ok? i am planning the build with an as rock z77 with a intel 1570k i5. and 8 gigs of ram with upgrades in the future(two more dim slots). thanks for the feedback though i will be pleased to know how yours goes, if you would keep me posted? thanks-Ryley-
It is 3570k, not 1570k ;)
The 660 is a weak card, especially for the money. For that budget, I would get a 7870XT or 7950 instead; much more performance for the money. No card for $300 or less will be that great at multi-monitor, especially triple-monitor, but the 7870XT or 7950 will at least give you a boost.
so, i am looking to have a pretty beast computer under 1100 dollars with th shipping. so if i got the 7950 what brand would you recommend and how well do you think it will handle the gaming experience i am looking for?
oh and also will i be able to support 4 monitors natively? that would defenitely be a huge decision maker.
I would get a Sapphire Vapor X 7950. Pretty much all support 4 optical out, so that would be fine, but a 7950 CAN'T HANDLE 4 monitors with any kind of reasonable frame/second. For that, you need 7950 CF, Tri-fire,
a Titan, 670/680 SLI, or extremely low-resolution monitors.
well i have two acer monitors atm and i am going to purchace a new one from my father after he upgrades, all are 23 inches. i also have a decent 15 laying around so i am thinking three for gaming and the fourth as just a secondary display for multi multi multi tasking:P anyways woul the 7950 handle that? thanks.
Yes, that one will work. You can run 3x 23" monitors + a 15" on that 7950. For some games, you might have to game on just a single monitor, but on others, you should be able to run on all 3 :)
awesome. thanks for all the help i am now narrowed to the 7950 for my graphics card, but i have one more quesction, what is your take on the gigabyte version? thanks again!
The Gigabyte one has a pretty good cooler, but is also voltage locked, so overclocking is extremely limited in that regard. Stick with Sapphire or XFX.
ok i am ridiculous but i am torn between the one with the stock cooler, the gigabyte, and the saphire one. any help?:P
Sapphire has a pretty good cooler; stick with it :)
alright thanks so much for all of the help and i hope to see myself building this system in the future. and i will remember where i got all my help. thanks again, and god bless.
The expo is over, and as promised, some results.
The 660 Single GPU wont work for surround, atleast not on 5760x1080p
As far as SLI goes, Farcry3, Deus Ex, Trine 2, Need For SPeed on THe run, all ran smoothly with everything maxed out.
Heres a pictures :)