Greetings And Salutations To One And All...

'Tis a good Community as many can attest to. So thank you.

Allways great to have people arround with knowledge,
that anyone could learn from. :slight_smile:

Quite true indeed.
And even those whom are knowledgeable should continue the learning and passing of that same knowledge.
One cannot know everything; but one can know all that one needs to know.

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Yes that is the drive and spirit that make communities grow. :slight_smile:

Also moderators can give you a cool title behind your nickname,
like you see with users like kewldude007 for example.
So if you have something cool in mind, you could shoot me or any other moderator a pm.

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Just Inboxed you accordingly by the way. And thank you yet again.

Hey dude, welcome to the show! Let’s get nerdy :nerd_face:

Been there.
Done that.
And I intend on following that pattern until the end of mine days.

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