So yeah, i’m clueless as to which one to get. Even budget. What surprised me most is there’s an $80 tablet from WACOM?! WHA? I never knew that. Cintiq 22 is considered the best option now, generally speaking. But also budget-friendly. If you’re smoking the real good shit.
I would also like some general discussion on graphics tablets as well. Is Wacom really reputable for their quality and not just a name, etc, etc, etc.
I’m thinking something like the Intuos Pro is TOO cheap/limiting? The Wacom One seems like a good option?
From what I’ve understood, bigger is better for something like drawing since it essentially grants you lower/accurate sensitivity. Another thing that people usually look for is pressure sensitivity, which I don’t personally know too much about. Another thing that I find essential is checking if the tablet you’re planning on buying has spare pen nibs on sale since they tend to wear down over time of course.
I have Intuos Draw from 2016(if I remember correctly) and for something like layer masks and adjustment brushes etc in Photoshop it’s more than fine enough in terms of size.
I recommend you see what other people have to say as well or do some more research elsewhere in terms of the pressure sensitivity and size etc. But yeah, do some extra research if nobody else replies here since I rarely feel confident enough in an area like that to give a final answer.
You need to decide what you want to do before looking at tablets.
You can spend a tons of money on a large tablet with a screen with good resolution and pressure sensitive screen and what not and end up drawing basic sketches on it. For basic hobby drawings and first steps go for something cheaper. I have the cheapest smallest thing I could get my hands on
Even that baby have pen pressure sensitivity, so that is extra input without needing buttons. The pen have its 2 buttons and extra pins, for someone who is just starting - it’s perfect. 40 euros, I have not spend much money on it. If I can give recommendation I would say just get the large one. It allows for easier hand movement.
I don’t think a novice hobby artist really need an expensive Cintiq tablet with all it’s bells and whistles.
I’d check out brad colbow’s reviews.
He does tablet reviews from the perspective of a digital artist
He has reviews for all the tablets you mentioned.
When it to tablets, I think the age old question of how much you are willing to spend and what your use case is the biggest factor to consider.
If you spend most of your art time at your desktop, seems that a wacom is the way to go. A lot of osu players seem to like cheaper screenless wacom for the low input latency.
If you are looking for a general tablet for art on the go and tablets, the ipad pro is recommended. @kreestuh did a review back in 2019
I can’t believe I forgot to mention Huion. I don’t know why. How do they fit into all of this? Is their build quality as good as Wacom? I hear there’s no difference. Yet they’re cheaper. I also want to just point out i’m no stranger to art. The analogue kind, anyway. Digital art, that’s another story. Been using Photoshop for years, though.
Funny, I actually use a G502 Lightspeed gaming mouse. And I mapped all of the buttons I use for digital art onto the mouse. I’ve been making use of my mouse since i’ve got no tablet so far. Even using my non-dominant hand since it’s right-hand only.
Can you talk a bit more about what use cases you have for the tablet? That will change what recommendations you get.
How important is portability to you? Do you often work from different spaces, or are you ok just being at the same desk most of the time?
Do you need additional software, or do you already have licenses for programs like Photoshop? (I see you mention using Photoshop in the past).
Do you need a machine that can do more than draw? For example, do you want to be able to stream your art from your setup?
How important are peripheral items with your tablet? Do you want to be able to get replacement nibs in different styles (harder vs. softer?). Do you want a screen protector or case?
And the almighty: What’s your budget?
I personally picked the iPad Pro because it was cheaper than the comparable Wacom for my use case-- I needed something I could haul around from my house, my office, and client meetings. I also greatly preferred the Apple pencil compared to some of the other stylus pens I tried out, even though it has less nib options than some others. But my use case may not be yours, and there are definitely cheaper options out there.