Hey all, I’m looking for a GPU upgrade and trying to tackle gpu cooling with my case (O11D). I have a 1080Ti which only really fts well in the vertical orientation, if installed horizontally the power cables rub against the side glass.
Because of the tight fit of the 1080Ti I can’t see a 40xx series card fitting any better, only worse if installed horizontally. Also being that most of the 40xx cards seem to be 3 slots or more I don’t think vertical mounting is going to be an option as the card would be against the glass.
So, I’ve got 2 realistic options, get a larger case or get a gpu that will fit. I’m pretty fond of my current case setup so I’m leaning towards a gpu with a built in aio. I’ve got room on the side intake of the case for a 360 so there is space available. I don’t have any issue using an aio for a cpu because it is easily replaceable. Gpu aio’s on the other hand I have no experience with or availability of replacement parts for non reference boards (I imagine cards like the Gigabyte 4090 Waterforce won’t be using reference boards).
I may be overthinking this but I tend to keep my gpu’s and move them to other pc’s I own as they age, and having an aio die is a concern. Maybe going with a reference board or FE card and an aio from the likes of Alphacool would be the better route if going aio? That way at a minimum the original cards air cooler could be reinstalled.
Thanks for any input,
tldr: What issues are there / have you experienced with gpu/aio setups.