Got Bored, Made a Basic Meme Generator

This is a meme generator built in python.
It takes a pile of pics in a directory, resizes them and applies your text to the top and bottom in meme format.

Very basic at the moment, but planning to add some more stuff later.

written in python 3 using PIL and built in tkinter


YES … YES !!!


I’ve been extremely busy but lan on doing something withing the next week with this. “Stay Tuned”

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have fun with it, friend!

I am currently in the middle of a 500 mile move and am building a new home office, so have been gone the past week.

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I wish you the best, and hope you have good internet wherever you go. Our infrastructure is crap in middle america

I just moved to an area with a highly active tech economy, I am getting around 400 mbps down and 30 up atm, so it’s good stuff here.

Sorry your net is crap, that’s no fun

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