Google search still relevant?

currently run 4 win 10 pc’s and the thing i hate about all of them is using google search engine, and i dont use any other google stuff. been using startpage for like 6 years? and its only gotten better. google censors too much now. anyone got any thoughts or positive experience with something else? i feel the only reason people use google is the features. i have no need of them for overclocking and gaming. most recent forum post i found was about bing vs google from november

I tend to use either Duck duck go or Bing.

Because they’re not Google


I’ve been using DDG for a while.

I like that it’s not Google, but the Bangs features are especially convenient.


thats basicly why i’m asking lol fk google

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i’m gonna try out duck. i remember wendell mentioned it. i just thought it was like yahoo lol

i think i trained my brain to hate bing no mater what. i can break the stigma lvl i have for it. its win 7/8 were trash back then. stuff changes tho thats the beuty of software

Not knocking DDG but if youre in the market for a new search engine maybe try Ecosia?


anything with a half decent search engine that dont want all my personal data is all i want. i’l look into it ty. of all people alex jones pushed start page when it launched. i find it DOES NOT CENSOR lol what u type is what u get and its https

you dont want them grabbing your data, you will have to use your own spiders.
you use some one else’s and they will see your search.
whether they store it or not will just depend what jurisdiction your in.

how to make one? no idea but i know wget and the likes have spidering options.

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not sure if ur around hexit, hope u are tho i started googleing


gerund or present participle: spidering

move in a scuttling manner suggestive of a spider.

“a treecreeper spidered head first down the tree trunk”

  • form a pattern suggestive of a spider or its web.

“a system of tunnels spider through the district”


another term for crawl (sense 4 of the verb).

“when the search engines spider your site they’ll find all of the pages”

i used that addon for mozzila “https” everywhere but i still get slammed with adds etc if i dont use ghostery or something too.
-thats a bit off topic tho

as for my jurisdiction situation, i line in NB canada and we basicly have 1 isp Bell- who use to be owned by the canadian government back in the 90’s and we sold it like retards- now Bell “rents” the ability for rogers-koodo etc to use their wireless networks and fibre etc. will like 20% of canada only has access to 54kb dialup.
bell havest everything (peer to peer) for example- u better hope the file is small cause ur not downloading something 130gb b4 they throttle your fibre to dialupspeeds,
my past isp(droped them last year cause we can get fibre now) was xplornet- i kept such a good log of how poor my internet was that i eventually had a 30% discount permanently. (it would go out when i was pushing diablo 3 solo barbarian leaderboards) talk about rage out lol
-sorry i get off topic i dont get out much or talk to people lol.
i overclock hardware. somehow have a wife who is ok with it? lol
i will keep researching spidering tho and see what i can find i’l share what i figure out.
sorry for the horrible english too, my primary lang is english but took 100% french classes from grade 1-12. i use french words as english a lot. juice is one my wife bugs me about, i just call and spell it a jus. english version dont even register in my head lol.

found a “decent wikki link” Web crawler - Wikipedia i’l keep looking tho wikki is too bias, google could of edited the page who knows. lol

I personally like start page but anyone know if it is still safe to use? after 10 years it cant be lol. i trusted it more 6 years ago for example. but i know they dont atleast “log and then rub it in your face” like google does but that still dont mean they dont harvest meta deta. (for example google- you search diapers, then are bombarded with adds for diapers lol) never had that sort of thing on startpage.

other than being a dry read, i cant see much wrong with that wiki page.

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thanks for you time dude u dint have to read it all >.<
thanks for the help i’m still looking into it. but got side tracked looking for discord info- i’l get back on it here soon

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but with what u said u think its accurate ish enough to start with? the wikki i mean.
my other thought was a vpn but it seems they are all sketchy too. tunnel bear for example. there has to be a way. mostly looking into this to see if i can fool my isp into stop thottleing me. not sure if any of it will work but i hope so

Switching to Ddg years ago showed me how i could not use a search engine anymore.
I barely find what I’m looking for (mostly very tech related) and often default to !g in orser to get google assistance.

Maybe it’s just me being bad, maybe it’s ddg not being up to date on highly technical topic…

Disclaimer: I work there, but opinions are my own.

Although, I don’t work in search exactly I’m fairly close and I’ve seen how some stuff works on the inside.

I don’t believe that’s actually possible, specifically the part where the search engine can try to reasonably understand what you want without much context about what kind of stuff you’re generally interested in and in what context you’re issuing the query. I personally would rather not have to type in the query, and just have it know what I’m thinking… or better yet, just have it give me what I need.

Generally, if you don’t log into Google (if you don’t use any Google services, … why bother), and you use a VPN that’d bounce your requests around public IPs, and you either clear cookies regularly or better yet just don’t store them in the first place and disable JavaScript (e.g. using uMatrix extension), your sessions would be practically pseudo-anonymous and you’ll most likely get unbiased results that aren’t influenced by your previous searches, or any of your profile or location information.

There’s also tracking on other third party websites, and not just google. You can use uMatrix and AdBlock for example.

There’s DNS tracking too that can be tied to your IP, you can run pihole or Adguard home and use something like DNS over TLS to maybe.

In general, the less data you provide in a request, the cheaper the query to process, so I think omitting all the info might even make your queries faster in terms of latency (less stuff to lookup from the request, fewer scoring criteria for potential results). Average quality would probably go down.

Let me know if you think there’s still something weird you’re seeing, I can probably replicate with additional debugging info and file bugs.

HTTPS everywhere was really nice - it’s a good idea in general. I think Chrome now complains if you end up using plain HTTP, does it?


I wonder if DuckDuckGo still is selling your data!


i like mozilla the most but i have also been using it since it was mozilla and not firefox lol. i feel old. the extensions couldnt be easier to use etc. all i can do is run ghostery/https everywhere and adblock etc lol