Goodenought USB dac+amp combo for Speaker?

Hello !
I am surely using the wrong word here because i can’t find what i am looking for.

I want a good enough, linux compatible, dac+amp box that don’t drive headphone but (8ohm ?) speakers (bookshelf, in ceiling …)

The goal is to rack 4 of them in a 1u network cabinet space, and connect them to a nuc for multiroom audio.

Because i am running Squeezebox, off the shelf multiroom audio won’t cut it.
I also need it to be 100% silent when not in use (some kind of cutoff) and to be ok running 24/7/365.

Right now in my kitchen i have a rpi 3b+ with a hifiberry amp2 for about 90€, but it’s such a waist of CPU.
So the hole thing need to not exceed 400€ or it won’t be worth it.

What is the name of a dac+amp Speaker combo ?
Anything good enough for my use in mind ?

Powered USB speakers? Not quite sure but I know powered speakers have the amp in them. Built in DAC too I am not sure.

Sadly no, i already have the speaker, and they just take speaker wire in

FX-Audio DAC-X6?

How many speakers total are you trying to drive? Do they need to be independent zones?

If you can find it in stock anywhere, the Topping MX3 could work for you.

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Sadly those are rca output, not speaker wire. it won’t output 50-60W

Right now i am planing 6 individual zone by splitting 2 stereo into 4 mono

This is more like it, 4ohm might be a bit low.
Sadly it doesn’t provide a good naming for this type of product

Thank you for the link

I think in this case its preferrable to have a separate dac and amp setup since you have budget goals and want multichannel.

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Could use a bunch of smart speakers, or cook up some exotic wireless set up. But something along these lines might be able to do what you are wanting.

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i’m not sure i can find 4 stereo dac + 4 amp that would all fit in a single U…

The AD18 could do it, it’s a over my budget but that’s a given with how many feature i won’t need.

Is this very niche ? i am surprise to not find much more.
I might end up with 4 Rpi, 4 hat, and use the spare CPU power for k8 or something

Single dac multichannel amp

AV or rather just A receiver.

I have the MKII version of this DAC. While it’s decent, it’s not very powerful, even when outputting to a set of Logitech 2.1 desktop speaker sets. I pretty much have to have the DAC at full output volume via RCA to get decent sound out of it. I wouldn’t recommend it for this application.

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