Edit: Figured instead of bumping the thread I’d respond here, but thank you all for the suggestions. For those curious I ended up just grabbing a monoprice Cat6a cable from amazon since I could get it faster that way. /edit
Obviously based on the standard Cat6 is capable of this, but thanks to the lack of 10gb hardware in the vast majority of homes it seems like many companies cut corners and nearly no reviews mention actual capability to run such speeds…with a few mentioning problems hitting 500MHz. So that’s honestly where my concern comes in.
I know everyone loves monoprice, but even they fail with some of their slim cables…which I wouldn’t use thanks to a bad experience with a flat cable that came with a router.
Anyways just curious if people have suggestions, mostly good experiences, bad, etc. I have considered building my own, would just need to buy everything for that(had been eyeing Klein Tools’ pass through crimper) and even then 250ft would probably last me a while.
Honestly I’d just avoid slim/flat CAT6 if you’re looking for 10gb speeds, although over a short distance of 50ft I’d be surprised if any cable failed, as CAT6 is supposed to be good for 55 meters at 10gb.
If in doubt (i.e. bordering on the maximum distance rating), I’d tend to go with outdoor-rated cables, as they tend to be built a little better, more difficult to kink/get pinched thanks to the thicker sheath etc.
they do custom lengths too and my roomie says they’re the best and fairly sure they ship internationally as well but others will prolly have better suggestions for self making ones and probably more local to you…
Good luck
edit: included the top bit thingy so the chart actually makes sense
Maximum Cable Segment Distances for Cat6 or Cat6a Cable
In 10/100/1000BASE-T applications, the maximum cable distance of a Cat 6 cable is 100 metres. However, Category 6 cable segment distance drops to a maximum run length of 55 metres when used for 10GBASE-T. This cable length may be further reduced in hostile alien crosstalk environments.
so your well within the 55meter maximum.
industry standard cable cat6a would be my choice.