Godot Experimenting w/Pong

pong_v1.rar (18.9 MB)

I’m always down to learn more things. I was checking out Godot this weekend to see what the hype is about since the Unity exodus. I must say, the hardest thing about it is the lack of examples/tutorials as compared to Unity or UE5. I haven’t used them much at all lol so I’m not trying to give a comparison.

Getting the opposing paddle to track the ball was a little difficult, and I think how some of the collision bodies work is very…challenging. It still has issues with them getting stuck on each other occasionally and I don’t really know how to fix that.

Features I liked

It’s very similar to python, which makes it very easy to pickup the syntax. You have the option of using C# or C++ if you want to, though.

Easy scene preloads and instances

When the ball was created, it was initialized as a child of a node, and likewise deleted when it was missed by the player or bot. Since it’s preloaded, I could make instances on the fly:

# Scene Preloads
var ball_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://scenes/ball/ball.tscn")

func spawn_ball():
	point_gained = false
	var ball = ball_scene.instantiate()
	var ball_pos = Vector2(DisplayServer.window_get_size().x / 2, randf_range(20.0, DisplayServer.window_get_size().y - 20.0))
	ball.global_position = (ball_pos)
	print("Ball spawned")

Dragging and dropping nodes in scene to get reference variables

I could easily reference something without having to know exactly what it’s called. If I were to drag and drop the BallSpawn node into the level, I would get this:


Then, I could just refernce it with a bunch of helpful functions.

To delete an instance of the ball, usually after the player or opponent scored, I could just delete it out of the node:


signals for when things happen, that then automatically create functions:

extends Node2D

# Boundary Signals
signal player_scored
signal bot_scored
signal ball_right
signal ball_left

func _on_right_goal_body_entered(body):
	# Emit Player Scored

func _on_left_goal_body_entered(body):
	# Emit Bot Scored

visual representation/interaction with collision and other areas

Every node is able to have a function to initialize, and another to run every tick.
Here’s all of the player paddle code for instance:

extends CharacterBody2D

const speed: int = 300

func _ready():
	position = Vector2(DisplayServer.window_get_size().x / 15.0, DisplayServer.window_get_size().y / 2.0)

func _physics_process(delta):
	var direction = Input.get_vector("Left", "Right", "Up", "Down")
	velocity = direction * speed * delta

“delta” variable

This is what you can multiply by to make sure the movement of a node is the same across all framerates. It’s not a big deal to do the math yourself, but it’s a nice quality of life thing.

Controlling variables in the overlay

If you type “@ export” before a variable it will actually show up in that node’s overlay as an adjustable property:

@export var ball_locationY = 0.0
@export var ball_locationX = 0.0

That’s all the highlights I think. It was fun :slight_smile: